Download MagicKillah 1.20

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MagicKillah ensures that you no longer see pop-ups. This is done by comparing the urrel with the sites that are in the so-called blacklist. The latest version is 1.20 and has the following changes:

13-11-2002 Version 1.20 released! Version 1.20 just hit the streets! It contains some bug fixes (especially for XP users), so get it while it’s hot!

  • Added the ‘did you know?’ feature .
  • Fixed XP support, MagicKillah now supports more ‘users’ (MK will ask for migration of the ‘old’ settings).
  • Fixed win98 support for the msn styled ‘pop-up’ boxes (which didn’t work in MK 1.10 )
  • Changed just a little bit in the menu style (now when you hover over the main menu, it’ll be highlighted)
  • Speed ​​up the processing of adding items to the blacklist (eg when you start up MK it’ll load the blacklists from an INI file, this is speed up about 3x)
  • The settings still wouldn’t be saved cirrectly when closing windows, fixed it (again), hopefully it’s okay now…
  • Removed the ‘fancy’ stuff from the installer.

Version number 1.20
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Website MagicKillah
file size


License type Freeware
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