Download LinCity NG 1.1.1

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In 1989 Will Wright established a new genre in the game world with his SimCity, namely that the player has to deal with urban development in a virtual environment. The game LinCity falls in the same genre and was originally developed for the Linux platform, which is reflected in the name of the game. Since the development of LinCity has been standing still for quite some time, a group of developers has joined forces in the LinCity NG project. The addition NG stands for New Graphics and the developers have mainly worked on 3D graphics and an improved GUI. The goal of the game is of course still the same, to build a city and grow it into a world city. For example, you have to provide the inhabitants with food, houses, jobs and goods, and make choices between green and polluting industry. The developers have released LinCity NG 1.1.1 with the following announcement:

Version 1.1.1:

Half a year passed since the last release of LinCity NG. The new 1.1.1 release adds some nice features to the user interface. For better planning the range for selected buildings is shown around the cursor. To catch the player’s eye the economy tab changes color when people are unemployed or starving.

The online help now comes with a history function and a small tutorial. Localization includes Russian and Brazilian Portuguese online help.

Also some bugs like the problem with multi byte characters in WinXP were fixed. Now the Sustainability progress is reloaded from saved games and heavy industry no longer stores too much coal.[break]LinCity NG 1.1.1 is available in the following flavors:
Linux – car package

Version number 1.1.1
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Linux x86, macOS, Windows Vista
Website LinCity NG
License type GPL
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