Download Lansweeper

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To map the devices in your network, you can use Lansweeper. This program works on a Windows machine with IIS and a sql database, and is able to inventory the existing software and hardware in the network without having to install a client program on each computer. All information can then be consulted via a web interface. Lansweeper is available as freeware for small environments and for larger environments will paid must become. Version 8.1 was recently released and the following changes and improvements have been made to it:


  • LAN-7393 Added links to the Lansweeper terms of use, privacy policy and other legal info in the ConfigurationYour Lansweeper License menu
  • LAN-5407 All DLLs and executables included in the Lansweeper software are now digitally signed
  • LAN-7434 Exporting data through the Lansweeper web console is now no longer possible when using a trial license, a freeware license that has exceeded its asset limit or a blocked license
  • LAN-5215 Improved the messaging in case your Lansweeper license has expired or is about to expire
  • LAN-7420 Optimized performance of the following history cleanup option: “Delete Asset Radar logs after XX days”
  • LAN-7419 Optimized the Lansweeper database triggers used when syncing with the IT Asset Data Platform, to prevent unnecessary data transmission
  • LAN-4813 Optimized the way software, Windows service and Windows update data is sent to the IT Asset Data Platform during an initial push
  • LAN-7456 Optimized the way Windows Scan Time data is sent to the IT Asset Data Platform
  • LAN-5572 Rebranded the IT Asset Data Platform configuration menu from ConfigurationEnterprise Options to ConfigurationIT Asset Data Platform, as well as rebranded the buttons and options within
  • LAN-4770 The amount of local database space a continuous sync with the IT Asset Data Platform can use is now limited, to prevent a slow or broken sync from filling up the local database
  • LAN-5644 The default scanning schedule of new AWS, Azure, Intune and Office 365 targets is now once a week
  • LAN-7432 The IT Asset Data Platform configuration menu is now only visible to users whose Lansweeper license has specifically been granted access to it
  • LAN-5577 The IT Asset Data Platform configuration menu now lists more info on the status of the sync
  • LAN-7495 Updated the OS version lists included in the Lansweeper database
  • LAN-3466 When hovering over the Assets menu, a click-through link is now available to list SCCM assets
  • LAN-7695 When linking with the IT Asset Data Platform, Lansweeper now waits for the initial push to fully complete on the ADP side before starting the processing of continuous push data
  • LAN-5573 When setting up a link with the IT Asset Data Platform, a number of prerequisite checks are now performed in a centralized popup
  • LAN-7540 When updating a pre-8.1.100 Lansweeper installation that is linked with the IT Asset Data Platform, the installation is automatically unlinked, with data being preserved on-prem and in the ADP. Users whose Lansweeper license has specifically been granted access to the ADP will be able to manually relink from November 12th, 2020 onward.


  • LAN-4247 “Call cancelled” and “quota violation” errors can occur when scanning large SCCM environments
  • LAN-3823 Certain properties of Chrome OS devices, eg model, are only stored in Chrome OS database tables and not in tblAssetCustom, causing these properties not to be displayed in certain built-in reports and views
  • LAN-4249 Character encoding issue in SNMP scanning, causing certain text values ​​to be incorrectly scanned
  • LAN-5089 Character encoding issue in SNMP scanning, causing certain values ​​to be erroneously scanned as hexadecimal values
  • LAN-4769 If the continuous sync with the IT Asset Data Platform starts failing due to eg an Internet access issue, the ADP config page does not indicate that there is a connectivity problem
  • LAN-5714 Incorrect description for the tblVmwareProductInfo table under ReportsDatabase Documentation
  • LAN-5671 Issue in the Exchange Server identification logic, causing Exchange data not to be scanned in some cases
  • LAN-7522 Leading and trailing spaces are not automatically stripped from IP location names
  • LAN-5221 Notifications sent through Lansweeper’s notification system and directed at specific Lansweeper installations are sometimes shown in installations they shouldn’t be
  • LAN-3483 Scan logging, if enabled, fails to log SCCM scans to the tblScanHistory database table
  • LAN-5670 Several minor issues and inconsistencies in the documentation under ReportsDatabase Documentation
  • LAN-3481 Several minor issues related to logging of setting changes in tblConfigLog: credential-related entries don’t mention credential type, inconsistencies in entries related to scanning target-credential pairs, redundant second entry for SCCM scanning target edits, numeric database IDs mentioned when they shouldn’t be, missing spaces in certain entries
  • LAN-4575 The built-in report “OS: End of lifetime (no longer supported)” doesn’t list Windows 7, Windows 2008 and Windows 2008 R2 machines, which are also EOL
  • LAN-5590 The following error can occur during the cleanup of Windows cluster and Hyper-V logs, eg when restoring a Lansweeper database from a backup: “There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first”
  • LAN-7454 The Lansweeper LocalDB service can fail to automatically start after a server reboot
  • LAN-4776 The listen port for LsAgent and LsPush sometimes fails to bind upon a Lansweeper service restart, resulting in the following error and the port not being operational: “Cannot configure SSL port: 9524. Failed to listen on prefix ‘https:// :9524*/’ because it conflicts with an existing registration on the machine”
  • LAN-5514 When submitting an IT Asset Data Platform password that contains certain special characters, the following error occurs: “A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected”

Version number
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019
Website lance weeper
License type Freeware/Paid
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