Download Lansweeper

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You can use Lansweeper to map your machines and devices in the network. This program installs itself on a Windows server with IIS and an SQL database, and is able to inventory the software and hardware present in the network without having to install a client program on each computer. All information can then be consulted via a web interface, such as on this page with several screenshots. Lansweeper is available in a freeware and various payware flavors, which are available on this page are placed side by side. The developer has released version and includes the following list of changes:

Service, Website 5069:

  • Added: New widget: “Report search”
  • Added: New widget: “Twitter search”
  • Added: New widget: “Iframe”
  • Added: Solaris scanning.
  • Added: Linux PCI card scanning.
  • Added: Linux System enclosure scanning.
  • Added: Asset states to asset menu.
  • Added: DNS name and FQDN name are now editable.
  • Added: “Save as” option for reports.
  • Improved duplicate device detection for devices with multiple network cards.
  • Improved device tester and connection tester.
  • Changed all confirmation boxes to overlays.
  • Fixed: SQL connection is not closed when a report contains an error.
  • Fixed: upgraded reports with “#” in the name cannot be opened.
  • Fixed: Apple Mac information cannot be scanned when located behind a proxy server.
  • Fixed: Sorting problems in some default reports.
  • Fixed: Display problem if more than 90 scanning servers are used.
  • Fixed: Multiple report builder problems.
  • Fixed: Edit asset displays incorrect scan server.
  • Fixed: Unicode Apple Mac information displays incorrectly.
  • Fixed: Apple Mac software information cannot be retrieved on some installations.
  • Fixed: Rescan of an asset ignores the NoSSH option.
  • Fixed: Several minor display issues.

Service, Website 5060:

  • Added: Toshiba warranty scanning.
  • Added: RSS reader feed lookup.
  • Added: Improved Linux SSH scanning.
  • Added: New widget “Scanserver Assets Overview” (Enterprise version)
  • Added: Automatically .reg file generation to configure custom actions in IE.
  • Added: Linux serial and OS to asset page.
  • Added: Basic ILO and Drac asset type detection based on http headers.
  • Added: Better Xen server detection.
  • Added: Much better performance when viewing switch asset pages.
  • Fixed: Dashboard compliance does not work for upgraded v 4.x reports.
  • Fixed: Rescan does not work when run on upgraded v4.x reports.
  • Fixed: Incorrect sort order in reports after pinging all assets.
  • Fixed: Several minor graphic glitches.
  • Fixed: User pictures report does not show images when the website runs on a virtual folder.
  • Fixed: Duplicate problem in table tblassetcustom.
  • Fixed: Duplicate Records in License Report.
  • Fixed: Not all databases are shown for each SQL server.
  • Fixed: Allowed searching for html characters”<>“
  • Fixed: Rescan does not work if the assets has no scanserver defined.
  • Fixed: Several report builder problems.
  • Fixed: Several IE8 display problems.
  • Fixed: Actions do not work in IE when using Chrome frame.
  • Fixed: Removed “Dell digital delivery” date from Warranty check.
  • Fixed: Bug when adding Software licenses that contain duplicates.
  • Fixed: Quote stripped in WOL action.
  • Fixed: Not all date fields on the edit asset page use the correct date format.
  • Fixed: Email alerts are now send in UTF8 to display non-ascii characters.
  • Fixed: Not all networkadapters are scanned on Hyper-v virtual machines.
  • Fixed: When exporting upgraded reports to excel the field “computerunique” is not correctly translated.


  • Fixed: NumberOfCores processor field is empty.
  • Fixed: Not all networkadapters are scanned on Hyper-v virtual machines.

Service, Website 5052:

  • New: Better support for SIP phone and SIP PBX scanning.
  • New: Better support for Cisco switches serial number scanning.
  • New: Paging maximum now has the option to show “all”
  • Updated Device tester.
  • Updated Connection tester.
  • Fixed bug: Several display problems in report builder.
  • Fixed bug: Scanning status widget shows cached or outdated information in some IE versions.
  • Fixed bug: Opera report layout fix.
  • Fixed bug: Link for asset locations does not work if location name contains “+”.
  • Fixed bug: The connection was closed by the server. Make sure you are connecting to an SSH or SFTP server.
  • Fixed bug: Hashing functions are now FIPS compliant.
  • Fixed bug: Scanning queue seems to be stuck when scanning more than the allowed assets for the license.
  • Fixed bug: Description lock in “edit asset” page does not save.
  • Fixed bug: Credentials are not refreshed when changing the start/end of an IP range.
  • Fixed bug: Linux servers with SNMP enabled are not scanned by SHH.
  • Fixed bug: Several “cosmetic” fixes for IE7.

Service, Website 5049:

  • Fixed bug: Search for software names with “++” in the text doesn’t work.
  • Fixed bug: Export for Linux and Mac reports are blank.
  • Fixed bug: Drilldown for “model” and “manufacturer” reports give blank results.
  • Fixed bug: Asset history page crashes on invalid datetime.
  • Fixed bug: Linux scanning, manufacturer is sometimes blank.
  • Fixed bug: Error importing some lspush files on SQL 2000 with case sensitive server collation.
  • Fixed bug: Several “cosmetic” fixes.

Website 5046:

  • Update notice will only be displayed if user is in the configurators group.
  • Asset comments are now editable.
  • Date format yyyy/MM/dd changed to yyyy-MM-dd.
  • Fixed bug: License Compliance Report – Issues with French “Entreprise” versions.
  • Fixed bug: Firefox display problem with “&” symbol.
  • Fixed bug: Paging not visible on reports when in trial mode.
  • Fixed bug: Case sensitive parameters in report web50getScantime.
  • Fixed bug: Event source selection does not work when using a virtual folder.
  • Fixed bug: Username is used in actions instead of CN field.
  • Fixed bug: Several “cosmetic” and spelling fixes.
  • Fixed bug: Rescan Assets does not work after searching for a specific software name.

Service, Web Site 5044:

  • Changed “All Reports” and report.aspx layout and sorting order.
  • Support for Aastra IP Phone scanning.
  • You can now clear the global SSH and VMware credentials.
  • Standard license can now be used with SQL server and SQL compact.
  • Fixed bug: The input is not a valid Base-64 string when configuring the Chart widget in Chrome or Safari browser.
  • Fixed bug: Incorrect display when group name contains “&”
  • Fixed bug: IP scanning hangs on “EasyCoder PM4i” devices.
  • Fixed bug: Errors on case sensitive SQL server collation with case insensitive database.
  • Fixed bug: SSH credential check error in IE9.
  • Improved performance report: Web50getnonactive.
  • Improved performance report: web40replocaladmin.

Lansweeper 5.0 initial release:

  • Optimized database schema (database that’s up to 70% smaller, depending on scanned data)
  • Multi database support: SQL server or SQL compact
  • Standalone configuration tool is removed and integrated into the website.
  • Customizable dashboard with widgets.
  • Map assets to custom groups.
  • Add documents to assets.
  • Add comments to assets.
  • Add/edit assets on the webpage.
  • 20 Custom fields for all assets.
  • Scan/rescan, check scanning queue from the website.
  • Customizable portal per user.
  • Role-based user access.
  • Possibility/API to create custom dashboard widgets.
  • Linux hardware/software scanning.
  • Apple Mac hardware/software scanning.
  • VMware hosts scanning.
  • Hyper-V host scanning.
  • Snmp device network configuration scanning.
  • Switch port to asset network card mapping.
  • Asset uptime scanning.
  • Active directory user scanning (sync user details from Organizational Units)
  • Improved software and OS license tracking.
  • Multiple scanning credentials per domain/IP range/asset.
  • “Live” report filtering.
  • Dell express service code.
  • Ping status on asset page.
  • Ping all assets from within a report.
  • Support for SSL smtp server (Gmail)
  • Asset warranty scanning for Dell, HP, Lenovo, IBM, Fijutsia
  • SQL server and database inventory.

Version number
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8
Website lance weeper
License type Freeware/Paid
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