Download Kubernetes 1.30

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Version 1.30 of Kubernetes has been released. Kubernetes is an open source and cross-platform system for managing, deploying, and running containerized applications. It was originally designed by Google, but is now published by the Linux Foundation. The full release notes for this release can be found at this page are being found; These are briefly the most important changes:

Robust VolumeManager reconstruction after kubelet restart (SIG Storage)

This is a volume manager refactoring that allows the kubelet to populate additional information about how existing volumes are mounted during the kubelet startup. In general, this makes volume cleanup after kubelet restart or machine reboot more robust. This does not bring any changes for user or cluster administrators. We used the feature process and feature gate NewVolumeManagerReconstruction to be able to fall back to the previous behavior in case something goes wrong. Now that the feature is stable, the feature gate is locked and cannot be disabled.

Prevent unauthorized volume mode conversion during volume restore (SIG Storage)

For Kubernetes 1.30, the control plane always prevents unauthorized changes to volume modes when restoring a snapshot into a PersistentVolume. As a cluster administrator, you'll need to grant permissions to the appropriate identity principals (for example: ServiceAccounts representing a storage integration) if you need to allow that kind of change at restore time.

Warning: Action required before upgrading. The prevent-volume-mode-conversion feature flag is enabled by default in the external-provisioner v4.0.0 and external-snapshotter v7.0.0. Volume mode change will be rejected when creating a PVC from a VolumeSnapshot unless you perform the steps described in the the “Urgent Upgrade Notes” sections for the external-provisioner 4.0.0 and the external-snapshotter v7.0.0. For more information on this feature also read converting the volume mode of a Snapshot.

Pod Scheduling Readiness (SIG Scheduling)

Pod scheduling readiness graduates to stable this release, after being promoted to beta in Kubernetes v1.27. This now-stable feature lets Kubernetes avoid trying to schedule a Pod that has been defined, when the cluster doesn't yet have the resources provisioned to allow actually binding that Pod to a node. That's not the only use case; the custom control on whether a Pod can be allowed to schedule also lets you implement quota mechanisms, security controls, and more.

Crucially, marking these Pods as exempt from scheduling cuts the work that the scheduler would otherwise do, churning through Pods that can't or won't schedule onto the nodes your cluster currently has. If you have cluster autoscaling active, using scheduling gates doesn't just cut the load on the scheduler, it can also save money. Without scheduling gates, the autoscaler might otherwise launch a node that doesn't need to be started.

In Kubernetes v1.30, by specifying (or removing) a Pod's .spec.schedulingGates, you can control when a Pod is ready to be considered for scheduling. This is a stable feature and is now formally part of the Kubernetes API definition for Pod.

Min domains in PodTopologySpread (SIG Scheduling)

The minDomains parameter for PodTopologySpread constraints graduates to stable this release, which allows you to define the minimum number of domains. This feature is designed to be used with Cluster Autoscaler. If you previously attempted use and there weren't enough domains already present, Pods would be marked as unscheduled. The Cluster Autoscaler would then provision node(s) in new domain(s), and you'd eventually get Pods spreading over enough domains.

Go workspaces for k/k (SIG Architecture)

The Kubernetes repo now uses Go workspaces. This should not impact end users at all, but does have an impact for developers of downstream projects. Switching to workspaces caused some breaking changes in the flags to the various tools. Downstream consumers should look at it staging/src/ to see the changes. For full details on the changes and reasons why Go workspaces was introduced, read Using Go workspaces in Kubernetes

Version number 1.30
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, macOS, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, Windows 11
Website The Linux Foundation
License type GPL
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