Download Konfabulator 4.5

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Konfabulator can be used to widgets to install and display. Widgets are small applications that can display all kinds of information via JavaScript, such as news headlines, weather data, system settings and appointments from calendars. The program is comparable to Dashboard from Mac OS X and is available for systems with Mac OS X and Windows as the operating system. Although the current name is also the original name of this program, Yahoo! it released under the name “Yahoo! Widget Engine” for a while. For more information, we refer you to this page and for a little history you can go on this page justly. The developers released version 4.5 a few days ago with the following changes:


Yes! We’ve added HTML support to Konfabulator! It is provided by an embedded version of WebKit, the open-source engine that is also the basis of Apple’s Safari browser.

HTML objects behave like other Konfabulator objects. The content of an HTML object can be manipulated at will, and standard Konfabulator effects, such as rotation or transparency, can be applied. It is also possible to invoke Konfabulator functionality via JavaScript from within an HTML object. This allows a developer to create the entire Widget UI using HTML and Ajax.

For security reasons, only local HTML (HTML that is included in the Widget bundle) can access Konfabulator functionality. Remote HTML (HTML fetched from the Internet) is strictly sandboxed.


As if HTML weren’t enough, we’ve also added Flash support to Konfabulator. The new Flash object allows developers to load Flash content into their Widgets. The Flash object exposes all methods that are normally available to Flash developers (Play, Stop, Back, Forward, Rewind, etc.). As with HTML objects, Flash objects can be combined with other Konfabulator objects, rotated, etc. As with ‘fetched’ HTML, the bridge between Flash and Konfabulator is strictly unidirectional – it is not possible to call Konfabulator APIs from within Flash.

Shiny New DOM

If you really want to geek out, then you’ll be pleased to know that Konfabulator version 4.5 implements a W3C-compliant Document Object Model (DOM). The elements within the DOM are bridged to their JavaScript capabilities. Want to have some real fun? Walk your Widget’s DOM tree using Konfabulator 4.5.


An enhanced security block in version 4.5 allows developers to specify Widget operations, such as file system access or Internet access, in fine-grained detail. This information is displayed to the end-user in a redesigned security dialog when the Widget runs for the first time. If the Widget tries to perform a potentially malicious operation that was not declared in the security block, Konfabulator stops the widget from running. If the security block is not present, the user is notified that full rights are being granted to the Widget — this allows legacy Widgets, which were created without a security block, to run.


Konfabulator 4.5 also addresses a number of known issues from previous releases:

  • Implemented text speedup for Mac.
  • Fixed event.key
  • Added support for numlock modifier on keyboard, mouse, and drag events
  • map the window levels correctly (mac only)
  • Added timeout property to XHR.
  • Added JSON object (from
  • Leopard support
  • Fix issue with unlocalized \”Preferences\” submenu in system tray.
  • Allow CSS to affect text alignment even in non-wrapped text objects. Only works with a minimum version of 4.5 or later.
  • Fix issue where saveImageToFile() couldn’t deal with scrolled frames.
  • Fix localization of preferences dialog title.
  • Fix localization of dialog title when iTunes is not installed.
  • FINALLY support ctrl-a and ctrl-e in the evaluation field in the debug window on Windows.
  • Always set system.event when minVersion >= 4.5. system.event is, however, considered deprecated. You should always use the event passed to your handlers.
  • Implement URL properties to expose a URL ‘cracking’ API, ie you can access the components of a URL.
  • Get Drag/Drop working for window objects (Windows only?)
  • Allow 0 as a valid length value in CSS. It’s supposed to be valid.
  • Only print warnings about elements being in widget and metadata files if the values ​​actually differ
  • Changed XPath to work to spec. It wasn’t returning the correct result for string() functions.
  • Added window.getCurrentMousePosition()
  • Added window.close()
  • Added widget.createWindowFromXML()
  • Lazier GC on minimum version or 4.5 or greater.
  • Added onPreferencesCancelled.
  • We now properly propagate exceptions thrown in the ready state callback of an XMLHttpRequest through to the open or send call that may have called it.
  • Fixed issues with text files getting double line feeds.
  • Made sure the main window doesn’t get shown if hidden and form() is called.
  • Fixed issue where we couldn’t parse XML with DOCTYPE, particularly for vitality.
  • Added Display object and various functions to allow you to get the display list.
  • Added Rectangle object to allow you to do fun things like union and intersection. wahooo!!!
  • Fixed various canvas drawing issues.
  • Now allow canvas to render another canvas via drawImage.
  • Ubiquitous mouse handlers.
  • No more crashing when calling removeChild on context menu items.
  • No more crashing when passing an anonymous function to URL.fetchAsync().

Known Issues

  • On Mac OS 10.5 (Leopard), a call to Flash’s IsPlaying() method always returns false ‘ even if the Flash object is, in fact, playing.
  • Flash’s readystate reporting cycles through all five states, even if the Flash movie does not exist.
  • Flash quality method is not returning proper information.
  • HTML is not supported on Windows 2000 or Mac OS 10.3.9
  • No IME support for Flash or HTML

Version number 4.5
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 2000, Windows XP, macOS, Windows Vista
Website Konfabulator / Yahoo Inc.
License type Freeware
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