Download Kodi 14.0 RC 3

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The development of Kodi version 14.0 has reached the third release candidate. Kodi is the new name for XBMC Media Center and this cross platform media center software is developed for Windows, OS X, Linux, Android, iOS, AppleTV and the Raspberry Pi. Version 14.0, codenamed Helix, contains no major changes other than the new name, but is referred to by the developers as a stability release. New is, among other things, a newer version of ffmpeg, which now also makes it possible to play h.265 files. The release notes for RC 3 can be found below.

Kodi 14.0 Helix – Release Candidate 3

Although we announced our first release candidate not long ago, we’re proud to release our third one in the 14.0 Helix range. Some might find it odd that we do so many releases in this short period of time. We can assure you that this is by intention. By doing more rapid releases we get better feedback if changes done by our developers are actually affective and thus create a better final release.

This 14.0 release brings many updates and changes, not the least of which is the change to the software’s name and logo. The release candidate cycle will also be the first to include the official logo of Kodi! The ins and outs about the logo can be read here in case you are interested. A detailed changelog can be found under milestones on our code repository, you should be interested. With that said, let’s take a look at some of the features that come with the 14.0 release candidate.

Below we will give a snapshot of the most important fixes done since the first release candidate.

  • Bump FFmpeg to 2.4.4
  • Fix problem with setting content on new and existing video sources
  • Fix spinner in video settings for choosing hardware or software decoding
  • Fix recording history in PVR
  • Separate sort order in PVR window for each directory
  • Fix PVR preview video scaling for AMLCodec on Android
  • Fix restart option on Win 8.1
  • Fix crashes on certain Intel GPU when playing video
  • Fix crashes on certain videos on Android 5.0 devices (Nexus Player and ADT-1)
  • Fix LPCM (audio/L16) streaming via UPnP
  • Use correct art type when appending art to item lists
  • Fix python PIL package on Windows that caused crash on weather add-on
  • Updated GUI translation files

Version number 14.0 RC 3
Release status beta
Operating systems Windows 7, Android, Linux, Windows Vista, iOS, Windows 8
Website Kodic
License type GPL
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