Download KDE Software Compilation 4.8

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Version 4.8 of the KDE Software Compilation has been released. This popular desktop environment, which consists of the Development Platform, Plasma Workspaces and Applications components, is primarily developed for Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris, but there are also versions for Windows and Mac OS X, although they are somewhat less advanced in their development. The KDE Software Compilation comes with a standard desktop, including a variety of applications, including a personal information manager, multimedia and network management programs, and games. The main changes made in version 4.8 are listed below.

KDE Plasma Workspaces, Applications and Platform 4.8 Improve User Experience
KDE is delighted to announce its latest set of releases, providing major updates to KDE Plasma Workspaces, KDE Applications, and the KDE Platform. Version 4.8 provides many new features, and improved stability and performance.

KDE Plasma Workspaces 4.8 Gain Adaptive Power Management
The KDE Plasma Workspaces 4.8 Highlights for Plasma Workspaces include Kwin optimizations, the redesign of power management, and integration with Activities. The first QtQuick-based Plasma widgets have entered the default installation of Plasma Desktop, with more to follow in future releases. Read the complete Plasma Workspaces Announcement.

KDE Applications 4.8 Offer Faster, More Scalable File Management
The KDE Applications 4.8 KDE applications released today include Dolphin with its new display engine, new Kate features and improvements, Gwenview with functional and visual improvements. KDE Telepathy reaches first beta milestone. Marble’s new features keep arriving, among which are: Elevation Profile, satellite tracking and Krunner integration. Read the complete ‘KDE Applications Announcement‘.

KDE Platform 4.8 Enhances Interoperability, Introduces Touch-Friendly Components
The KDE Development Platform 4.8 KDE Platform provides the foundation for KDE software. KDE software is more stable than ever before. In addition to stability improvements and bug fixes, Platform 4.8 provides better tools for building fluid and touch-friendly user interfaces, integrates with other systems’ password saving mechanisms and lays the base for more powerful interaction with other people using the new KDE Telepathy framework. For full details, read the KDE Platform 4.8 release announcement.

Plasma and Applications in KDE 4.8, click on the image for a larger version.

Version number 4.8
Release status Final
Operating systems Linux, BSD, Solaris
Website K THE
License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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