Download KDE 4.0 RC2

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Yesterday the second release candidate of the K Desktop Environment version 4.0 was released. This version, also confusingly referred to as version 3.97, should be the last so-called “milestone” on the way to the final 4.0 release, which is scheduled for January 11. KDE is a popular desktop environment for GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris, among others, and comes with a standard desktop, including fifteen packages of applications such as a Personal Information Manager, multimedia, administration and network management programs, games, and the like. Below is an excerpt from the release announcement:

KDE 4.0 Release Candidate 2

The KDE Community is happy to announce the immediate availability of the second release candidate for KDE 4.0. This release candidate marks the last mile on the road to KDE 4.0.

While progress on the quality and completeness of what is to become the KDE 4.0 desktop has been great, the KDE Community decided to have another release candidate before releasing KDE 4.0 on January, 11th. The codebase is now feature-complete. Some work is still being done to put the icing on the KDE 4.0 cake. This includes fixing some major and minor bugs, finishing off artwork and smoothening out the user experience.

The second release candidate incorporates many improvements from the previous Release Candidate, Beta and alpha releases: RC1, Beta 4, Beta 3, Beta 2, Beta 1, Alpha 2 and Alpha 1.[break] Click on the image for a larger version.

Version number 4.0 RC2
Release status beta
Operating systems Linux, BSD, Solaris
Website K THE
License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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