Download KDE 3.5.1

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The developers behind the K Desktop Environment have just released version 3.5.1 of the popular desktop environment for GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris, among others. KDE comes with a standard desktop including fifteen applications such as a Personal Information Manager (PIM), programs for multimedia, administration and network management, games, etc. Version 3.5.1 is a so-called maintenance release, which means that no new features have been added, but that a lot of major and minor problems that have surfaced in the meantime have been resolved. Below is an excerpt from the announcement:


KDE 3.5.1 is a maintenance release which provides corrections of problems reported using the KDE bug-tracking system and greatly enhanced support for existing translations and new translations.

For a more detailed list of improvements since the KDE 3.5 release in November 2005, please refer to the KDE 3.5.1 Changelog.

Additional information about the enhancements of the KDE 3.5.x release series is available in the KDE 3.5 Announcement.[break]

Version number 3.5.1
Operating systems Linux
Website K THE
License type Prerequisites (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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