Download KDE 3.4 RC1

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cold made its way to the submit to help us ways on the first release candidate of K Desktop Environment 3.4, a desktop environment for Unix-like operating systems. This new version can be downloaded from here and must be done yourself get compiled† It is also possible to buy the Klax live CD to download running KDE 3.4 RC1 in combination with Slackware 10.1. In the announcement of RC1 we find the following information:

KDE 3.4 is about to be finished, so we prepared a first (and hopefully only) Release Candiate.

We want to have this tested as much as often, so we can’t wait for vendor binaries, so please test the sources if you have experience in this.

Version number 3.4 RC1
Operating systems Linux
Website K THE
License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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