Download KaZaA Media Desktop 2.0.2

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Version 2.0.2 of KaZaA Media Desktop has been released. There is nothing about this version on the Sharman Networks website, so there is no changelog. Zeropaid did have the following to say about it:

As always, Sharman Networks finds a way to catch up with the users of its software. The release of KaZaA Media Desktop 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 appeared to have no new changes except for patching up participation level cheating and blocking many features of Diet Kaza. Well now, users running KMD are being prompted to upgrade to 2.0.2, if they haven’t done so already.

Right now, supernodes running KMD 2.0.2 are sending out messages telling other nodes/supernodes on the network to upgrade. Although KMD 2.0 and older clients can still connect to v2.0.2 ones, there is a possibiliy that we will see these being blocked out of the network, thus mimicking the past demise of 1.3 fasttrack clients (morpheus …).

A lot of things go on behind Kazaa users’ back. But the users are now responding. An open-source program called Epidemic/RapidRoad is now in development, which could potentially turn control of the network back to the users.[break] You can download KaZaA Media Desktop 2.0.2 here to download.

Version number 2.0.2
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Website Zero paid
file size


License type Spy/Adware
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