Download Julia 1.10.2

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Julia is the name of a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for numerical mathematics. It includes, among other things, a powerful compiler, distributed parallel execution and an extended one library of mathematical functions. Julia's core is released under the MIT license, while several libraries use others licenses such as gpl, lgpl and bsd. For more information please refer to this page. Version 1.10.2 and the first alpha release of version 1.11 have been released and the announcement is as follows:

Julia v1.10.2 and v1.11.0-alpha1 have been released

Julia version 1.10.2, the second patch release in the 1.10 series of releases, is now available. Binaries are available via Juliaup and ate for macOS (Intel and M-series processors), Windows (32- and 64-bit), glibc Linux (x86, x86_64, and AArch64), musl Linux (x86_64), and FreeBSD (x86_64). Note that binaries for glibc Linux on PowerPC are not currently available for this release.

As a patch release, 1.10.2 contains no new features or breaking changes, only bug fixes, documentation improvements, and performance improvements. You can see the list of commits included since 1.10.1 here. We recommend that anyone currently using 1.10.1 upgrade to 1.10.2.

Also available is Julia version 1.11.0-alpha1, the first alpha pre-release in the upcoming 1.11 series of releases. Check out the file to see what will be new in 1.11. Like 1.10.2, 1.11.0-alpha1 is available via Juliaup and the downloads page in the upcoming release section for the same platforms. Unlike 1.10.2, we do have Linux PowerPC binaries for 1.11.0-alpha1. As an alpha version, 1.11.0-alpha1 should not be considered production ready. Rather, it's intended to give users, especially package developers, a chance to try out their code with 1.11.0 prior to a full release.

Note that 1.10 on GitHubActions, Travis, AppVeyorand Cirrus now refers to 1.10.2. For 1.11.0-alpha1, use ~1.11.0-0 on GitHub Actions and 1.11 on the other providers.

Version number 1.10.2
Release status Final
Operating systems Linux, BSD, macOS, Windows 10, Windows 11
Website Julia
License type Prerequisites (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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