Download jSunnyreports 2.0.3

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Martin Kleinman has released an update to jSunnyreports version 2.0. This free program written in Java can use the data that solar panel inverters store in log files to website on which consumption and yield are displayed in clear graphs. The program has support for 22 inverters from various manufacturers. In version 2.0, among other things, the user interface has been completely overhauled and everything has become interactive. This update also brings the following improvements:

The fixes and improvements this time:

  • 0000017: [website] Translation issue found in “merged” charts, it is hardcoded.
  • 0000044: [charts] Update Highcharts to 4.2.3
  • 0000032: [core] With multiple inverters the current power might not match the actual power
  • 0000033: [charts] Language text missing for forumsignature ( graphs.kwh=kWh )
  • 0000039: [website] Refresh page
  • 0000036: [templates] Day information, when day chosen you cannot go back to the current day ( without a reload ).
  • 0000040: [json] Possible mismatch between json ( home automation ) and common.js
  • 0000037: [core] days_hist.js of current year contains all 365 / 366 days, instead of up to the current one
  • 0000043: [website] On months page information about the individual is missing
  • 0000019: [unspecified] Update internal versioning.
  • 0000026: [core] An invalid costs.xls file will crash jSunnyreports
  • 0000035: [core] When cost data is 0 give a warning
  • A lot of minor issues have been fixed, including a few code enhancements.

For people who are using it is easy to upgrade:

  • Overwrite jsunnyreports.jar
  • Overwrite everything in the /lang directory ( new language items have been added )
  • Overwrite everything in the /template directory
  • Then run jSunnyreports once, it should copy (and FTP ) all new template files to your site.

    Version number 2.0.3
    Release status Final
    Operating systems Java
    Website Martin Kleinman
    File size


    License type Freeware
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