Download jAlbum 9.4.1

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Version 9.4.1 of jAlbum has been released. This program makes it easy to generate and edit professional looking HTML photo albums. In a clean interface, photos can be easily edited, the order can be changed and the appearance of the web page can be determined. If everything is to your liking, the result can be placed on a web page via the built-in ftp client. Because the software is developed in Java, jAlbum is available for a wide range of operating systems. Since the previous entry in the Meuktracker, the following changes and improvements have been made:

jAlbum 9.4.1

News and Updates

  • Mac version now uses the Mac native file chooser whenever possible for a better Mac-ish feeling
  • The Linux installers (Ubuntu-Debian and RedHat-RPM) now associate jalbum project files, skins and extensions with jAlbum with proper icons. Thank you Cody for assistance on this!
  • French and Slovenian translations updated. Thank you translators!
  • Galleria and Happenings bundled skins updated
  • Embedded skin text editor now updated to include new v9.4 variables “currentObject”, “currentFolder” and “rootFolder”

Bug fixes

  • Album generation could halt with an “ArrayStoreException” if minor errors were encountered in the processed images (since 9.4)
  • The Linux Debian installer no longer complains about invalid binaries during installation
  • Skin developers: Calling getVars() on AlbumObjects now never returns null (registers those variables on demand)
  • Skin developers: Entering an empty string in a custom UI field and later clearing it won’t leave that field overriding a skin settings UI field with the same name.

jAlbum 9.4

News and Updates

  • New extension support. Extend jAlbum’s functionality as easily as you install skins by double clicking .jaext files
  • Major updates to album engine. Now up to 40% faster page processing and updated API for skin developers
  • Config files now centrally located in one config folder
  • Logo filter now accepts different transparency levels and rotation angles. New attributes are angle and strengthPercent. See example in our blog!
  • Excluded images can now also be used as folder thumbnails
  • Windows version now installs on both 32 and 64 bit Windows
  • jAlbum now has a better looking Windows 7 task bar icon.
  • External tools can now be installed next to installed skins (in a “tools” folder”) and thereby survive jAlbum updates
  • Splash screen now has a debug feature to trace cause of startup-hangs. Alt-click the splash screen to trigger a full thread dump.
  • Updated Plugin API. jAlbum extensions can now install themselves in the Import menu too.
  • Missing album project no longer generate error lines to the console window
  • Chameleon skin no longer bundled, but can at any time be downloaded here

Bug fixes

  • Skin installer sometimes quit before being done installing skins. This could result in all kinds of skin related errors. If you have any issues running a skin, try reinstalling that skin using this update.
  • Files couldn’t be deleted from within jAlbum if they were located on an Apple AFS volume (Mac only)
  • Some ftp servers didn’t allow jAlbum to list directory contents

Version number 9.4.1
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 2000, Linux, BSD, Windows XP, macOS, Solaris, UNIX, Windows Server 2003, Linux AMD64, Windows Vista
Website jAlbum
File sizes

9.83MB – 15.70MB

License type Freeware
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