Download Jalbum 8.3.3

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Jalbum has been updated for the second time in a short time. This program makes it easy to generate and edit professional looking HTML photo albums. In a well-arranged user interface, photos can be easily edited, the order can be changed and the appearance of the web page can be determined. Once everything is to your liking, the result can be placed on a web page via the built-in ftp client. Because the software is developed in Java, Jalbum is available for a wide range of operating systems. In this release, the way the program handles passwords has been improved and three minor issues have been fixed:

News and updates

  • This version has album password management adjusted to fit Jalbum’s new password protect mechanism

Bug fixes

  • Jalbum didn’t prompt to save changes made to skin settings.
  • Jalbum prompted to save changes even when no project was active
  • Jalbum’s edit view would display the wrong image if one had previously edited an image with the same name in another folder.

Version number 8.3.3
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows 2000, BSD, Windows XP, macOS, OS/2, Solaris, UNIX, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista
Website JAlbum
File size 12.90MB
License type GPL
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