Download JAlbum 6.5.2

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The developers behind JAlbum released version 6.5.2 of their program yesterday. JAlbum gets its name from the fact that it is written in Java and makes it easy to generate and edit professional-looking photo albums on the Internet. In a well-arranged interface, photos can be easily edited, the order can be adjusted, the appearance of the web page can be determined and the built-in ftp client can upload the result to a homepage. More information and the extensive possibilities can be found on this page be found again. The changelog for this release looks like this:


  • Slovenian translation updated. Thank you Igor Trcek
  • Chameleon skin updated to v3.32. Thank you Laza!

bug fixes

  • The $totalImages variable incorrectly also counted directories when used within an index.htt page
  • Simplified Chinese version was broken (since v6.5)
  • Standard skin required album to have already been built using another skin first (since 6.5)


Version number 6.5.2
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows 2000, Linux, Windows XP, macOS, OS/2, Solaris, UNIX
Website JAlbum
File size


License type Freeware
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