Download jAlbum 12.5

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Version 12.5 of jAlbum has been released. This program makes it easy to generate and edit professional looking HTML photo albums. In a clean interface, photos can be easily adjusted, the order can be changed and the appearance of the web page can be determined. If everything is to your liking, the result can be placed on a web page via the built-in ftp client.

Because the software is developed in Java, jAlbum is available for a wide range of operating systems. The Windows version has issues with some versions of java and is therefore bundled with java, resulting in a larger download. Previously there was also a free version, which showed advertisements, but the program is now fully commercial and can be tried for 30 days.

A standard license for version 12 and all updates from the 12 series costs 39 euros. This bundle is temporarily offered with a discount of 10 euros. Other licenses, for commercial use or in conjunction with cloud storage, are also available† If you don’t need these new options or prefer not to show ads with your photos, it’s better to go to version 9 stay. The changelog for this release shows the following changes and improvements:

News and Updates

  • Free update for all jAlbum 12 license holders
  • Supports upcoming licenses with 12 months support & update plan
  • Performance improvements to ftp uploader (less verbose communication)
  • Deleting albums from ftp servers (not ours) is now faster due to use of multiple connections.
  • Uploads to external ftp servers now kicks off faster. The initial delay when the UI was frozen has now been replaced by an instant dialogue with progress spinners and the ability to cancel.
  • Built-in watchdog that triggers the generation of a “thread-dump.txt” file and attempts to unlock the UI if the UI ever hangs for more than 20 sec. (Disabled by default. Enable under Preferences->Advanced)
  • Some improvements to the ftp4j ftp client library
  • “Print selected” plugin improved to support multi line captions and also print videos and folders
  • Developers: API change: AlbumObject.loadImage() now also loads images for videos (the representing image)
  • Several languages ​​updated. Thank you dear translators!

bug fixes

  • Fix for the long standing issue with excluded files reappearing again
  • Fix to allow https based web root URLs
  • The thumbnail image for folders having portrait oriented representing images could sometimes get an incorrect aspect ratio
  • If “Include photographic data in generated images” was checked, some images taken with portrait orientation would be presented sideways on some browsers (iPad’s browser for instance)

Version number 12.5
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Java, Linux, Windows XP, macOS, Solaris, Windows Vista, Windows 8
Website jAlbum
License type Freeware/Paid
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