Download jAlbum 11.4

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Version 11.4 of jAlbum has been released. This program makes it easy to generate and edit professional looking HTML photo albums. In a clean interface, photos can be easily adjusted, the order can be changed and the appearance of the web page can be determined. If everything is to your liking, the result can be placed on a web page via the built-in FTP client. Because the software is developed in Java, jAlbum is available for a wide range of operating systems. The Windows version has issues with some versions of Java and is therefore bundled with Java, resulting in a larger download.

Since version 10, the program is no longer free for commercial use and ads are used in the free version. A standard license for version 11 and all 11 series updates costs 39 euros, removes all advertising and gives access to higher priority support. Other licenses, for commercial use or in conjunction with cloud storage, are also available available. If you don’t need these new options or would rather not show ads with their photos, you can still version 9 to download. In version 11.4 the following changes and improvements have been made:

News and Updates

  • Significantly faster (around 10 times) loading of large album projects and sub folders
  • The user interface images and folders are now always in sync with the backing file system so changes directly to the file system, like added and deleted files are reflected in the user interface. No need to manually issue View->update
  • Developers: Custom template pages are now guaranteed to have all variables present during script processing that are present within the element. (Easier for template developers. No need to check for void variables)
  • Bundled with updated Turtle skin 4.3.3

Bug fixes

  • Red eye reduction tool was broken
  • Canceling an album object move by moving the caret back to the initial position would move the album object(s) to the end.
  • Several minor code fixes

Version number 11.4
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, BSD, Windows XP, macOS, Solaris, Windows Vista, Windows 8
Website jAlbum
File sizes

14.46MB – 63.50MB

License type Freeware/Paid
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