Download IntelliJ Idea 2018.2
JetBrains releases several development environments such as CLion targeting C and C++, DataGrip targeting SQL, PhpStorm targeting PHP and IntelliJ Idea targeting Java. IntelliJ Idea offers smart code completion, deep static analysis, intelligent refactorings, debugger and a test runner, and can also handle Kotlin, Groovy, Coffee and Actionscript. For an overview of the possibilities, we refer to this page† IntelliJ Idea is available in two flavors, a licensed Ultimate flavor with more functionality and a free open source Community flavor. The Ultimate flavor will require payment for business and home use, but if the software is used for education or non-commercial open source projects, the license is free. JetBrains has released IntelliJ Idea 2018.2, with the following announcement:
IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2: MacBook Touch Bar, Java 11, Breakpoint Intentions, Spring Boot, Version Control, and More
Today’s the day! Please welcome a new major update – IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2! It’s packed full with exciting new features and ready for you to Download† Read this post for a brief summary of the main highlights, don’t forget to check out the What’s New page for more details and screenshots.
- Support for the upcoming Java 11.
- Data flow information can be viewed in the editor.
- The IDE displays type hints for long method chains.
- It’s now possible to configure Quick Documentation to pop-up together with autocompletion.
- A new preview panel for Extract Method lets you check the results of your refactoring before you make any actual changes.
- The @Contract annotation adds new return values: new, this, and paramX.
- New and updated inspections and intention actions include smarter Join Line action and improved Stream API support, among many others.
- You can now jump outside the closing bracket or quote with Tab.
- Reassigned local variables and reassigned parameters are now underlined by default.
- For or while keywords are highlighted when you place the caret on the corresponding breakorcontinue keyword.
User interface
- MacBook Touch Bar is supported.
- Dark window headers are available.
- An updated IntelliJ theme on Linux.
- We’ve changed to new UI icons.
- The updated Files Merged with Conflicts dialog displays Git branch names and adds a new Group files by directory option.
- You can open several Log tabs in the Version Control toolwindow.
- The IDE now displays the Favorites branches in the Branch filter on the Log tab.
- You can preview the diff in the VCS Log.
- Tags can be deleted from Git commits via the context menu of the Log tab.
- Explore the repository state based on a given revision by using the new Browse Repository at Revision action.
- Skip the Push dialog completely when usingCommit and Push, or display it only when committing to protected branches.
- Configure as many GitHub accounts as needed in Preferences | Version Control | GitHub.
- Autocompletion for Git tags is available in the Checkoutdialog.
JVM debugger
- Brand new breakpoint intentions.
- Ability to filter a breakpoint hit by the caller method.
- Included buildSrc Gradle projects are discovered automatically.
- Debug Gradle DSL blocks.
- The IDE now supports the “release” option of the maven-compiler-plugin.
- There’s a quick-fix to suppress a warning for dynamically created properties.
- Exclude only some of the transitive dependencies when adding a new repository library.
- Assign shortcuts to actions right from the Find Action pop-up.
Differences Viewer
- A new Open Blank Diff Viewer action opens an emptyDifferences Viewerto compare any text sources you want.
Jump Boat
- A new Spring Runtime Beans diagram helps you visualize the dependencies between beans in the runtime.
- Manage HTTP requests mappings from the Run Dashboard.
Spring Integration
- Spring Integration 5.0 is supported.
- The Kotlin plugin bundled with the IDE has been updated to v1.2.51.
- Runnable Kotlin scratch files.
- An intention to convert end-of-line comments into the block comments and vice versa.
- New Coroutine Inspections and Intentions.
- Groovy 2.5 annotations: @NamedDelegate @NamedParam @NamedVariant.
- Groovy 3.0 default methods in interfaces.
- Support for the do…while loop, try with resources, and method references ‘::’ .
Scale plugin
- The Scala plugin can show implicits right in the editor. Even better, it shows you places where implicits are not found.
- A new Move Refactoring to move members between objects.
- The Scalafmt formatter has been integrated. Enable it in Preferences / Settings | Editor | Code Style | range.
- Semantic highlighting.
- Improved auto-completion for pattern matching.
- Merge with Android Studio 3.1.2.
JavaScript & TypeScript
- Use the newExtract React component refactoring to break a component into two.
- New intention to Convert React class components into functional components.
- Add new features to your Angular app using the integration with ng add.
- New JavaScript and TypeScript intentions: Implement interface, Create derived class, Implement members of an interface or abstract class, Generate cases for ‘switch’, and Iterate with ‘for..of’.
- A new Code Coverage feature helps you find unused code in your client-side apps.
Improvements in YAML support
- YAML code formatter.
- Smarter YAML with JSON Schemas.
Database Tools
- SQL log.
- NewSQL formatter.
- Running stored procedure.
- Source code migrations.
Docker integration plugin
- A new Context folder field in the Docker run configuration.
- A new Use Soft Wraps action wraps words in docker logs.
- Navigate from compose nodes and containers to the corresponding compose and dockerfile files.
File Watchers plugin
- Ability to set a global file watcher.
A complete list of all the changes can be found in the really long release notes†
That’s it! We really appreciate all the thoughts, suggestions, and of course, the bug-fixes that you are sharing with us! Please keep them coming as always in the discussion forum† issue tracker† Twitter, and the comments. Thank you!
Version number | 2018.2 |
Release status | stable |
Operating systems | Windows 7, Linux, macOS, Windows 8, Windows 10 |
Website | JetBrains |
Download | |
License type | Freeware/Paid |