Download Inno Setup 5.5.7

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Jordan Russell Software has released version 5.5.7 of Inno Setup. This program makes it easy to create installation packages for Windows. The program provides the ability to add information to the registry, provides ini files to create shortcuts, and has the ability to compress the installation files. Furthermore, an uninstaller can of course be added and different languages ​​can be selected during installation. The following changes and improvements have been made in this release:

Changes in version 5.5.7:

  • Changes in default behavior:
    • As recommended by Microsoft’s desktop applications guideline, DisableWelcomePage now defaults to yes. Additionally DisableDirPage and DisableProgramGroupPage now default to auto. The defaults in all previous versions were no.
    • The Setup and Uninstall programs are now marked as DEP and ASLR compatible. This can be disabled by setting the new DEPCompatible and ASLRCompatible [Setup] section directives to no. Doing this for DEP compatibility might be needed if you’re using a buggy third-party DLL from [Code].
  • The Compiler IDE’s New Script Wizard now offers to create a shortcut to the main executable in the common Start Menu Programs folder instead of creating a new Start Menu folder especially for the application. This option is enabled by default and is recommended by Microsoft unless you install a suite of applications rather than a single application.
  • The WizardImageFile and WizardSmallImageFile [Setup] section directives now support 32 bit bitmap files with an alpha channel. Use the new WizardImageAlphaFormat [Setup] section directive to specify if the bitmap file has its red, green and blue channel values ​​premultiplied with the alpha channel value or not. Contributed by Honza Rames through GitHub.
  • The WizardImageBackColor [Setup] section directive is now deprecated and ignored, just like the similar WizardSmallImageBackColor directive already was. Any unused space around the wizard image is now filled with the standard window color (usually white).
  • [Setup] section directive CloseApplications can now be set to force. If it is, Setup will force close when closing applications. Use with care since this may cause the user to lose unsaved work.
  • Added new command line parameters supported by Setup: /FORCECLOSEAPPLICATIONS and /NOFORCECLOSEAPPLICATIONS. These can be used to override the CloseApplications directive.
  • The Attribs parameter of a [Files] or [Dir] entry may now also include notcontentindexed to specify that the file or directory is not to be indexed by the content indexing service.
  • Pascal Scripting changes:
    • Function RegQueryBinaryValue can now be used to query any type of registry value and not just REG_BINARY-type values.
    • Class TBitmapImage now supports 32 bit bitmap files with an alpha channel. Make sure to set the Bitmap.AlphaFormat property before loading the bitmap file.
    • Added new functions GetOpenFileNameMulti and SelectNewDisk.
    • Added C# version of the MyDll.dll example DLL showing how to call .NET assemblies from [Code] without requiring COM or other DLLs. Uses Unmanaged Exports by Robert Giesecke.
  • Unicode [Code] based on RemObjects Pascal Script Git commit bfc1255636eb959f102d0279721b05ba85fbe7da.
  • Minor tweaks.

The following downloads are available:
Inno Setup 5.5.7 (setup)
Inno Setup 5.5.7 (unicode)

Version number 5.5.7
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website Jordan Russell Software
File sizes

1.85MB – 2.22MB

License type GPL
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