Download Inno Setup 5.2.3

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Jordan Russell Software released version 5.2.3 of Inno Setup on Monday. With this program you can easily create installation packages for Windows. The program offers the ability to add information to the registry and ini files, create shortcuts and compress the installation files. Furthermore, an uninstaller can of course also be added and you can choose from several languages ​​during installation. Below you can find what has changed in Inno Setup since the previous entry in the Meuktracker:

Changes in version 5.2.3:

  • Improved support for right-to-left languages ​​(Arabic and Hebrew):
    Added new [LangOptions] section directive: RightToLeft. If set to yes, text alignment and reading order will be reversed (with some intentional exceptions), and controls will be arranged from right to left (“flipped”).
  • Added new [Setup] section directives: VersionInfoProductName and VersionInfoProductVersion.
  • Changed the fixed Language field in Setup’s version info from “English (United States)” to “Language Neutral”.
  • Uninstall now supports custom message constants ({cm:…}) like Setup.
  • Right-to-left-related Pascal Scripting changes:
    • The control flipping that is performed when RightToLeft=yes is mostly transparent, normally requiring no changes to existing code. Controls created on custom wizard pages will be flipped automatically after the InitializeWizard event function returns, and controls created on custom forms will, by default, be flipped the first time the form is shown.
    • Changes to TSetupForm (the class used for custom forms):
      • Added RightToLeft Boolean property (read-only): True if right-to-left text alignment and reading order is enabled on the form. The Right To Left [LangOptions] determines the value of this property directive.
      • Added FlipControlsOnShow Boolean property: If True (the default setting if RightToLeft is True), controls on the form will be flipped the next time the form is shown. After the form has been shown, the property is reset to False automatically.
      • Added ControlsFlipped Boolean property (read-only): True if the controls have been flipped.
      • Added FlipControlsIfNeeded method. This flips the controls immediately if FlipControlsOnShow is True, then resets FlipControlsOnShow to False.
    • Added new classes: TNewEdit, TNewMemo, TNewComboBox, TNewButton, TNewCheckBox, TNewRadioButton, and TNewListBox. On these classes, right-to-left text alignment and reading order is used when the parent TSetupForm’s RightToLeft property is True.
    • TNewStaticText: Added ForceLTRReading property. If set to True, the text will always be rendered with left-to-right reading order, overriding the parent form’s RightToLeft setting.
  • Other Pascal Scripting changes:
    • TNewStaticText: Added AdjustHeight method. This adjusts the value of the Height property to fit the text. Only useful when AutoSize is set to False.
    • Added new object UninstallProgressForm of class TUninstallProgressForm. Also added new event function InitializeUninstallProgressForm, which is called after the Uninstall progress form has been created and before it is shown. See the help file and the CodeClasses.iss example script for more information.
  • Added workaround for bug in Windows Vista (still present in SP1): With UAC turned off, launching an uninstaller from the Programs and Features Control Panel applet and answering No at the confirmation message box would cause a “This program might not have uninstalled correctly” dialog to be displayed, even though the uninstaller includes a proper “Vista-aware” manifest.
  • IDE changes:
    • The New Script Wizard now generates random unique AppId [Setup] section directives.
    • Added newTools | Generate GUID command.
  • QuickStart Pack: added ISPP functions GetMD5OfFile, GetMD5OfString and GetFileDateTimeString.
  • Minor tweaks.

Changes in version 5.2.2:

  • The Setup loader now extracts the Setup program executable file with a “.tmp” extension. Versions 5.2.0 and 5.2.1 used a “.exe.tmp” extension, which reportedly, in some cases, caused an “Unable to execute file in temporary directory” error message on systems with a certain antivirus program installed. We were unable to reproduce the error in our own tests, however; it is suspected that this may have only impacted users with custom filename blocking rules defined in their antivirus configuration.
  • Pascal Scripting: Added new GetSaveFileName support function.
  • Fix: The compiler could fail with an “Out of memory” error on script files containing more than ~100,000 lines, due to a heap fragmentation issue.


Version number 5.2.3
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista
Website Jordan Russell Software
File size


License type Prerequisites (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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