Download Inkscape 1.3.2

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Version 1.3 of Inkscape has been released. This open source and cross-platform program is intended for editing vector graphics. It has similarities with programs such as Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Freehand and Xara X, but the big difference is that Inkscape works with Scalable Vector Graphics, an open standard developed by the W3C. Detailed information about the changes and improvements made in version 1.3 can be found at this page are being found. In version 1.3.2 we mainly find bug fixes.

Changes in Inkscape version 1.3.2:

  • Stars, polygons, spirals, 3D boxes are now saved correctly (MR #6090)
  • The restoration mechanism does not yet work for Inkscape svg files though some data can be recovered if you open the files. Unfortunately any files you have saved as plain or optimized SVG will never be recoverable, as the shape metadata is irretrievably lost for those file types.
  • When using the new 'Text to glyphs' function, lines no longer end with @ signs, when there's a linebreak (MR #6094, Bug #4675).
  • Traditional Chinese translation updated (MR #6105)
  • Windows installer banner layout fixed (MR #6097)

Version number 1.3.2
Release status Final
Operating systems Linux, macOS, Windows 10, Windows 11
Website Inkscape
License type GPL
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