Download I2P 0.7.2

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I2P focuses on anonymizing communication flows. It started in 2003 as a proposal to freenet and has evolved over time into a standalone program. For more information, we refer you to this page. The developers have released version 0.7.2 and are providing it with the following announcement:

Release 0.7.2:

The 0.7.2 release fixes multiple bugs and potential problems in I2P, while preparing ground for new functionality.

Threading issues with the SimpleTimer class should no longer occur, the NTCP transport should no longer encounter null pointer exceptions, and “abandoned” tunnels should finish operation correctly.

Support is added for accessing the Router Console over IPv6, a new message type enables I2CP applications to query the router’s bandwidth limits, an experimental desktop interface for managing the router is included for the first time (but not enabled automatically yet) and participation of a single peer in too many tunnels is prevented to improve reliability and safety.

Besides other maintenance work, several old statistics calculators are dropped to make router profiles smaller and quicker, while new build scripts are supplied for I2P’s big integer math library. Updating is highly recommended.

As customary, for people who don’t have the option of checking GPG signatures, supplied below are the SHA1 hashes of released files:
068512a688a793ee8ad55e4de8fd82417d4d9f98 i2pheadless-0.7.2.tar.bz2
1f7376855f69c6f0a663d4b4128260a41a09b602 i2pinstall-0.7.2.exe
83e2a63db3d0a5db8e610df9e52ad538febe5e6d i2psource-0.7.2.tar.bz2
b7313803bba86432f895a215096fb472d2677689 i2pupdate.sud

best wishes,

Version number 0.7.2
Release status Final
Website I2P
License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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