Download HyperSnap-DX 6.00 beta 5

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HyperSnap-DX is a program that allows you to take and edit screenshots. The screenshots can be made in the normal desktop environment and you can also take screenshots in a DirectX, Direct3D, Voodoo and Glide environment. There is also an auto-scroll function that allows your screenshot to be larger than what you actually see on your screen, for example a screenshot of a web page. The developers are busy developing version 6.00 which will include a new feature called TextSnap. This allows you to capture text in both plain text and RTF from your screen, even from places that normally don’t support copy/paste. Hyperionics has released the fifth beta version with the following list of changes:

Version 6.00 beta 5:

  • Hot key access added for Text capture function under Capture menu – by default it’s Ctrl+Shift+T
  • TextSnap tab of Capture Settings has an additional option – to capture a single line of text under cursor, when the key combination listed there is pressed and simultaneously right mouse button is clicked. Will is mainly for capturing text of menu items, with all other methods menu disappears before TextSnap can capture text from it.
  • Stated updating help files.

Version 6.00 beta 4:

  • Options added to TextSnap setup to enable HyperSnap display captured text inside its window
  • Document tabs at the bottom changed to “flat” style, double-click there enables renaming of documents (bitmaps or texts)
  • The help and zoom screen for Region capture (regular image capture, not text) now also shows cursor coordinates.

Version 6.00 beta 3:

  • Correction to capture text from Opera web browser windows.
  • HyperSnap now makes its “capture sound” upon successful capture of text.
  • When run under Windows version older than Windows 2000, TextSnap tab and text capture functions on the menu are not visible.
  • Some spelling mistakes corrected.

Version number 6:00 beta 5
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Website Hyperionics
File size


License type Shareware
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