Download HyperSnap 9.3.0

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Hyperionics has released version 9.3.0 of HyperSnap. This program allows you to take screenshots of the entire screen, of a window or of a portion of the screen of your choice. There is also an autoscroll function, which allows you to take screenshots of windows that are larger than the screen, for example of a web page. In addition, images can be edited. Arrows, circles and text can be added. Since version 9.2.0 the following changes have been made:

  • Made HyperSnap 9 compatible also with older versions of Windows 10, same as HyperSnap 8
  • Fix: when “Hide window before capture was enabled”, when using OCR region capture, HyperSnap 9 window was not made visible again.
  • In the OCRed text the lines are now separated with CR-LF sequence for better compatibility with older Windows apps.
  • Small code fixes, spelling mistakes etc.

Version number 9.3.0
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11
Website Hyperionics
License type Paid
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