Download HTCondor 9.9.0 / 9.0.13

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The HTCondor Team at the University of Wisconsin-Madison has released new feature and long-term support versions of its workload management system HTCondor. The version numbers have ended up at 9.9.0 and 9.0.13. HTCondor focuses on the management of compute-intensive tasks and can distribute them over several connected nodes. The user sends his task to HTCondor, after which it handles the process based on set policies and the availability of connected resources, and finally sends the results back to the user. HTCondor can, for example, control a dedicated Beowulf cluster, but also regular desktops that have nothing to do for a while. During the day SC16 Google, Fermilab and the HTCondor Team have a 160k-core cloud-based elastic compute cluster demonstratedand in 2020 the National Science Foundation chosen HTCondor as part of its Partnership to Advance Throughput Computing† The summary adjustments of these expenditures are as follows:

Version 9.9.0 – Feature Channel

  • A new authentication method for remote HTCondor administration
  • Several changes to improve the security of connections
  • Fix issue where DAGMan direct submission failed when using Kerberos
  • The submission method is now recorded in the job ClassAd
  • Singularity jobs can now pull from Docker style repositories
  • The OWNER authorization level has been folded into the ADMINISTRATOR level

Version 9.0.13 – Long Term Support Channel

  • Schedd and startd cron jobs can now log output upon non-zero exit
  • condor_config_val now produces correct syntax for multi-line values
  • The condor_run tool now reports submit errors and warnings to the terminal
  • Fix issue where Kerberos authentication would fail within DAGMan
  • Fix HTCondor startup failure with certain complex network configurations

Version number 9.9.0 / 9.0.13
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, BSD, macOS, Solaris, UNIX, Windows Server 2012, Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, Windows 11
Website HTCondor
License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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