Download Home Assistant Core 2022.7.0

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Version 2022.7.0 of Home Assistant Core has been released. Home Assistant Core is an open source home automation platform that runs under Python 3. It runs via Hassbian on a Raspberry Pi 3 or a Linux, macOS or Windows computer. It supports detecting devices, such as Philips Hue, Belkin WeMo switches, Mr. Coffee coffee makers, IKEA’s smart switches and the mqtt protocol. In addition, where possible, it can control these devices and apply automation. For more information about Home Assistant, we refer to this page and our own Forum. The full release notes for this release are here to find; this is the announcement from it:

2022.7: A stunning performance

This was one exciting and busy month! In case you’ve missed it, there was a Matter in Home Assistant workshop and a Let’s get loud! event about bringing audio to the Open Home. If you have missed those, it is worthwhile to check those recordings out. Meanwhile, preparations are happening for the upcoming Matter and of course, the soon-to-be-released Home AssistantYellow! More about that soon™.

This release is definitely representing the “streamlining experiences” motto we have been using. The performance improvements in this release are once more: stunning! Furthermore, there are some wonderful new features to explore too. This release has the perfect mix! I’m sure there is something in here you like. So without further due: Enjoy the release!

Version number 2022.7.0
Release status Final
Operating systems Script language
Website Home Assistant
License type GPL
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