Download Home Assistant Core 2021.12.0

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Version 2021.12.0 of Home Assistant Core has been released. Home Assistant Core is an open source home automation platform that runs under Python 3. It runs via Hassbian on a Raspberry Pi 3 or a Linux, macOS or Windows computer. It supports detecting devices, such as Philips Hue, Belkin WeMo switches, Mr. Coffee makers, the smart switches from IKEA and the mqtt protocol. In addition, where possible, it can control these devices and apply automation. For more information, please refer to this page and our own Forum. The full release notes are here to find; this is the announcement for this release:

2021.12: New configuration menu, the button entity, and gorgeous area cards!

Home Assistant Core 2021.12, the final release of the year 2021; And I really think this release will contain a holiday gift for everyone! With the holiday season coming, it is time to slow down a bit for the project, and enjoy time with our family. In a couple of weeks, 2022 will be here! All I want to add to these last release notes of 2021 is: Thank you.

Thank you for hanging out with the project. Thank you for contributing, and thank you for reporting an issue. Thank you for helping out a fellow Home Assistant user on the forum, chat, Reddit, or anywhere else. Thank you for sharing your experiences, ideas, automations, scripts, YouTube videos, and blogs; and above all:
Thank you for using Home Assistant.

Happy holidays and for the last time in 2021: Enjoy the release!


PS: We are skipping the January release because of the holidays. So, the first release in 2022, will be Wednesday, 2 February 2022.

Version number 2021.12.0
Release status Final
Operating systems script language
Website Home Assistant
License type GPL
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