Download Greenshot 1.0.6 build 2228

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Version 1.0 has been released from Greenshot. Screenshots can be made with this open source program for Windows. After taking a screenshot you will be given the option to edit the image, for example to add text or arrows, or it can be saved as a file or imported directly into a program, the clipboard or even an online storage service. The most important improvements since version 0.8 are listed below:

Some features we added since 0.8:

  • General: Greenshot will now run in 64 bit mode, if the OS supports it.
  • General: Added a dynamic destination picker
  • General: Added a preview when using the window capture from the context menu (Windows Vista and later)
  • General: Added color reduction as an option and auto detection for image with less than 256 color. When using reduction this results in smaller files.
  • General: Added direct printing to a selected printer
  • General: Added some additional logic to the IE capture, which makes it possible to capture embedded IE web-sites from other applications.
  • General: Changed multi-screen capture behavior, assuming that capturing all screens is not a normal use-case. Now default behavior is to capture the one with the mouse cursor. Also the user can select which screen to capture from the context-menu.
  • General: Changed the configuration to use a .ini with some advanced features. Fixed settings can’t be changed in the settings. Settings, quicksettings and the Greenshot icon can be disabled. (See greenshot.ini and our website)
  • General: Added and update many languages, see our website for the whole listing!
  • General: Now one can use the shift key to fix the mouse coordinates while capturing. If you press and hold shift only the first direction in which you move can be change, the other stays fixed.
  • General: Added an expert tab in the settings, here some Greenshot behavior can be changed
  • General: Added more complex options for the filename generation
  • Editor: Added Ctrl/shift logic to the editor, hard to explain (see help) but hold one of the keys down and draw..
  • Editor: Added a color picker in the color dialog.
  • Editor: Added undo/redo
  • Editor: Added effects: shadow, torn edges, invert, border and grayscale
  • Editor: Added rotate clockwise & counter clockwise
  • Editor: Added freehand tool, this makes it possible to draw some things freehand. Every “stroke” (mouse-down to mouse-up) is one “object” which can be manipulated: move, delete, change Z-order and change the properties like color and thickness.
  • Editor: Added auto crop
  • Plugin: Added Confluence plugin to attach captures to Confluence pages.
  • Plugin: Added JIRA plugin to attach captures to JIRA tickets.
  • Plug-in: Added OCR plug-in, if MODI is available you can capture text from the screen and place it on the clipboard. See our website on pre-requisites for the OCR functionality.
  • Plug-in: Added External command plug-in can be used to export captures to some another application or script.
  • Plugin: Added plugin uploads your captures to your account
  • Plugin: Added Dropbox plugin uploads your captures to your account
  • Plugin: Added Flickr plugin uploads your captures to your account
  • Plugin: Added Imgur plugin uploads your captures annonymously or to your account
  • Plugin: Added Picasa-Web plugin uploads your captures to your account
  • Plug-in: Added Office plug-in with destinations for Excel, Outlook, Word and Powerpoint

Bugs resolved:

  • We resolved so many bugs that the list is actually way to long to show here.

Known issues:

  • Greenshot general: a captured I-Beam cursor isn’t displayed correctly on the final result.
  • Greenshot general: Not all hotkeys can be changed in the editor. When you want to use eg the pause or the Windows key, you will need to be modified the ini directly.
  • Greenshot general: Can’t capture 256 color screens
  • Greenshot general: Hotkeys don’t function when a UAC (elevated) process is active. This we won’t change as it is a Windows security measure.
  • Greenshot editor: Rotate only rotates the screenshot, not the added elements or cursor

Version number 1.0.6 build 2228
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 8
Website green shot
File size


License type GPL
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