Download Gpg4win 2.2.0

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Gpg4win aims to make easy installation of GnuPG and related tools on the Windows platform. With GnuPG you can stream communication and secure data with encryption and digital signatures. It supports both OpenPGP and S/MIME standards. The developers of Gpg4win have released version 2.2.0 with the following announcement:


we are pleased to announce the availability of the new stable Gpg4win version 2.2.0.

Gpg4win 2.2.0 updates GpgOL for Outlook 2010/2013, includes a new GpgEX which now works on Windows 64 bit and includes a lot of more improvements and bug fixes (see below).

Hints for users of Outlook 2010/2013:
GpgOL now supports Outlook 2010 and 2013 but uses a makeshift format. The full crypto support with MIME is technically far too complex with Outlook. For Outlook 2003 and 2007 GpgOL uses the standard MIME format for crypto emails but with restrictions. For versions from Outlook 2010 GpgOL was newly developed and uses no MIME for the mail body. Signature and encryption are insert directly into the mail body. Especially for signing we propose a new format: “double no-mime”. For details see wiki. Some potentially usability issues of this GpgOL version are known. You can help us to find out if other email clients can handle with the “double no-mime” format. The best solution is a full PGP/MIME support for GpgOL. Therefore we are searching for financing.

This software release incorporated work that was funded by a Small Technology Grant of the Information Security Coalition.

We thank very much all Gpg4win donors who financially supported the Gpg4win initiative. Please note that Gpg4win needs your support also in future. Please help the Gpg4win initiative. 100% of your donation goes into the maintenance and development of Gpg4win. You like Gpg4win? Then donate here, please:
Thank you!

New in Gpg4win Version 2.2.0:

  • GpgEx:
    • Now with Windows 64 bit support!
  • GpgOL:
    • Rudimentary support for Outlook 2010 and 2013. The following crypto functions are already available via the new GpgOL ribbon rsp. Outlook’s context menu (no MIME parsing, yet):
      • Saving and decrypting attachments
      • Attaching and encrypting files
      • Encrypting/decrypting mail bodies
      • Signing and signature verification (signing using a new format variant called “double no-mime”)
    • GpgOL for Outlook 2003 and 2007 is unaffected by these changes.
  • Kleopatra:
    • Kleopatra no longer crashes when started by a regular user on terminal servers (Windows Server).
    • Kleopatra now allows it to generate keys with a size up to 4096 bit.
    • Extracting a tarball through the Kleopatra GUI now works reliable
  • pin entry:
    • Pinentry now allows to paste in the passphrase.
  • GnuPG Backend:
    • Gpg-agent may now be used as Pageant (PuTTY authentication agent) replacement with additional smartcard support.
    • Updated to GnuPG 2.0.21.
  • GPA:
    • Fixed crash when copying a key in the clipboard (gnupg bug #1525).
  • Installer:
    • Updated license page.
    • Removed S/MIME HOWTO page (still easily accessible via Gpg4win’s program menu entry).
  • Gpg4win portable Version:
    • Added mkportable.exe as a new tool to create a portable installation. HOWTO: Install Gpg4win with all components and then run from the install directory: ‘mkportable.exe [OPTIONS] TARGETDIR’. Use ‘mkportable.exe –help’ to get all options.
  • Included Gpg4win components are:
    • GnuPG: 2.0.21
    • Kleopatra: 2.2.0 (2013-08-20), KDE 4.10.3
    • GPA: 0.9.4
    • GpgOL: 1.2.0
    • GpgEX: 1.0.0
    • Claws Mail: 3.9.1
    • Compendium DE: 3.0.0
    • Compendium EN: 3.0.0

Version number 2.2.0
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8
Website gpg4win
License type GPL
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