Download Gnome 2.2.0

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The development team of the popular window manager Gnome (GNU Network Object Model Environment) is proud to release version 2.2.0 of the software today. It is the first release that follows from the six-month release cycle that GNOME intends to maintain. The changelog that accompanies the release is large and extensive, you can read the notes here find.

Today, we bring you the fruits of our first six-month-turnaround release! Not content with mere success, we’ve managed to squeeze the six month process into five, raise the bar for performance and stability and add a host of new features and tools to the Desktop. Perhaps this is a dangerous precedent![break]Everything else you want to know about Gnome 2.2 is here to find. You can find the sources here to download.

Version number 2.2.0
Operating systems Linux, BSD, macOS, Solaris, UNIX
Website gnome
License type GPL
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