Download GitLab 12.3.4

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You can compare GitLab with the more famous GitHubbut contains some subtle differences. It is an environment for managing Git repositories on-premises and is released under the MIT Expat license and developed in Ruby on Rails. It is available in two versions, namely the free-to-use Community Edition and a paid Enterprise Edition, with more features aimed at large businesses. The two flavors are on this page explained. The development team has released GitLab 12.3.4 and the release notes for this release can be found below.

GitLab Patch Release: 12.3.4

Today we are releasing version 12.3.4 for GitLab Community Edition and Enterprise Edition. This version resolves a number of regressions and bugs in this month’s 12.3.0 release and its previous patches.

GitLab Community Edition and Enterprise Edition

Available in GitLab Core, Starter, Premium, and Ultimate:

GitLab Enterprise Edition

Available in GitLab Starter, Premium, and Ultimate:

Version number 12.3.4
Release status Final
Operating systems Linux
Website GitLab
License type GPL
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