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Version of ForTheRecord has been released. With this program TV programs can be recorded. ForTheRecord can use online TV guides for this, so that the programs do not have to be entered manually. Which program is recorded is determined by rule sets and there is the option of manually resolving conflicts. The program can be used on its own or in combination with MediaPortal or GB-PVR. More information can be found in this pdf document are being found. The main improvement in version is support for the rtsp protocolbut a lot more has changed since version

This is a “short”, filtered list of most important changes since

  • Added support for RTSP streaming.
  • Optimized RTSP zapping in MediaPortal client.
  • Set default RTSP port to 8554.
  • Added new setting to MediaPortal 1.1 plugin to optionally play recordings over RTSP instead of UNC.
  • Major internal change — totally new data layer: replaced Gentle.NET with NHibernate.
  • Updated SQLCE to 4.0.
  • Schedules with ‘Contains’ rules should be faster, especially on MySQL.
  • Now works with Linux MySQL servers.
  • Improved search guide -> no longer searches channels that are not visible.
  • Core: Marked VideoAspect as obsolete and replaced the property with GuideProgramFlags, which also contains a flag for HDTV.
  • Core: Implemented ‘/’ import into XMLTV (for HDTV).
  • Core: Improved around-time rule in combination with week-day(s) or on-day for programs around midnight.
  • Core: Added EPISODENUMBERDISPLAY formatting code.
  • Core: Added LiveStreamTuned event, sent when an active live stream is tuned to a different channel.
  • Core: XMLTV importing should be faster.
  • Core: when building a recording’s path, title, episode title, schedule name and full-title are all limited to 80 characters now.
  • MMC: EPG will now show programs from 3AM in the morning until 3AM the next day to make it easier to deal with programs around or after midnight.
  • MMC: Will now show [HD] on HDTV programs.
  • MMC: Channels not broadcasting are shown with gray background in the EPG grid.
  • MMC: Live TV panel in MMC: double-click on a row now starts Live TV.
  • Argus: Added quality/strength bars to the Scan panel in the Argus MMC.
  • Argus: Implemented support for Digital Devices cards (DiSEqC and CAM support).
  • Argus: It’s now possible to delete services by holding down the Shift key when clicking Hide in the Argus MMC Services panel.
  • Argus: Made advanced settings for the core services hidden(automatic) by default during setup.
  • Argus: Implemented CAM-limit check in Argus and TV Server recorder/tuners for live TV.
  • Argus: CAM limit of 0 now means unlimited (except for MDAPI, when it’s required to be set).
  • Argus: Added TBS vendor-specific code (but doesn’t seem to work yet).
  • Argus: Most card-host settings are now available through the Argus MMC (and have been removed from the CardHost.exe.config).
  • Argus: when a live stream is started, any left-over timeshift files from that card are now deleted automatically.
  • Argus: added card settings section to the Cards panel.
  • Argus: added preliminary support for Genpix DVB-S cards.
  • Argus: small PCR fix in TS demuxer.
  • Argus: returns better error codes when re-tuning an existing live stream fails.
  • Argus: tweaked GrabEpgOnLiveTvAndRecordings setting. If false, EPG grabbing will now also not be allowed when another card is busy with a recording or live TV.
  • Argus: added ForTheRecord.RecorderTuner.Interop.dll to make C++ interop possible (for MDAPI_Plus).
  • Argus: fixed the way Argus creates its tuning spaces… changes to the LNB frequencies will now properly take effect.
  • Argus: fixed Genpix code.
  • Argus: fixed transport stream scanner to handle the case where multiple services are using the same pid for their PMT.
  • Argus: fixed IsScrambled flag when tuning a service.
  • Argus: changed “Scan frequency” to “Scan frequency for” in the Argus Cards panel, advanced settings.
  • Argus: modified Hauppage code to support their newer KSPROPSETID_BdaTunerExtensionProperties2 as well as KSPROPSETID_BdaTunerExtensionProperties.
  • Argus: when scanning, check provider and name limits. Similar fix to mdapi code.
  • Argus: Digital devices: send DisEq command before tuning.
  • Argus: fixed offset bug when parsing SDT entries (caused scanning issues).
  • Argus: Fixed manual recordings with really long names to no longer cause problems with the recording’s title length.
  • Argus: Fixed remaining disk size calculation to only look at recording shares (and not timeshift shares).
  • Argus: Fixed EPG grabbing time check (for idle grabbing).
  • MediaPortal: TV client plugin now allows TV guides with more than 10 lines.
  • MediaPortal 1.x client will now read the size of its logo icons from the skin’t 4TR_Home.xml file.
  • Tweaked audio language selection in MediaPortal client.
  • Tweaked display format of groups in MediaPortal’s recorded TV and radio screens (more consistent with the programs).
  • MediaPortal: fixed MP1.2 guide screen for large guides (> 10 channels).
  • MediaPortal: client will no longer filter out non-existing recordings — speeds up the call.
  • Removed support in MediaPortal client for old Aeon Wide, Indigo and Monochrome skins.
  • MP client always shows the current TV program info even if TV is off (as long as a previous channel is known).
  • MP: miscellaneous improvements to the client.
  • MP 1.2: added chapters, subtitling and post-processing menu to full-screen TV popup menu.
  • MP 1.2: improved EPG, based on latest SVN code.
  • MP 1.2: tweaked the behavior of the EPG, clicking an active program will start live TV now, and all other functionality is now part of the context menu.
  • MediaPortal client will now show a message box instead of an empty screen if there are no active recordings and you use the “Active Recordings” button.
  • Remove support for MediaPortal 1.0.x.
  • Added default setting for KeepUntilMode and Value for schedules.
  • Added norwegian web client translation files.
  • Added MP client norwegian translations.
  • Tweaked Twinhan code (didn’t work with USB2 devices).
  • Tweaked search to include a single quote or dash as start of a word (like in french: l’année).
  • MediaPortal: A lot of MediaPortal client tweaks.
  • Tweaked calculation of the split point when recordings are combined (the ratio of the pre/post-record will now be respected instead of simply picking the halfway point).
  • When a GuideProgram is imported, the ‘source’ is now kept in the database. Overwrites have been made smarter, so they automatically occur if the source is the same (or ‘other’).
  • XMLTV importing will now first move the files being processed to a Processing directory now.
  • Implemented support for the “Accept-Encoding: gzip” header for REST calls: if set, the response of most calls will be compressed with gzip.
  • Revised REST api to send more arguments over POST to avoid issues with special characters.
  • Added “Open Local Logs” button to the MMC’s Log panel to open the local “ForThe Record/Logs” folder.
  • Added new “Core/Version” REST method to return the server’s version number.
  • Added Guide/FullPrograms call to REST api.
  • Added “Wake Up Server” option to the tray notifier.
  • Visual C++ runtimes are now installed during setup (if needed).
  • Improved SQL dependency check during installation.
  • Fixed web access setup in IIS7.
  • Tweaked firewall setup code to put the two windows services back to public/private/domain.
  • Reworked firewall code in custom installer (and added rule for HTTP for private/domain — for REST).
  • Added option to the installer to only install the Web Access files, and not configure a web server (eg for use with Apache).
  • Updated Satellites.xml
  • Updated cables.xml

ForTheRecord screenshot, click on the image for a larger version.

Version number
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista
Website ForTheRecord
File size


License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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