Download foobar2000 1.1.12 beta 6

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The sixth beta release of foobar2000 version 1.1.12 has been released. This popular music player can handle MP3, aac, ogg vorbis, flac, wav and wma, among others, and has support for Replay Gain. Furthermore, the player can convert different formats and the program has extensive options to adjust the tags. In addition, it is possible to change the functionality using plugins expand. In version 1.1.12 we find the following changes and improvements:

Changes in version 1.1.12:

  • Fixed Musepack HTTP streaming bugs.
  • Fixed incorrect MP3 decoder behavior on certain rare files.
  • Fixed crash reporter dialog crash (duh).
  • Detection of proxy server settings from Internet Explorer.
  • Fixed multi-channel FLAC encoding (channel mask now gets preserved).
  • Fixed multi-channel WavPack decoding (channel mask now gets preserved).
  • Now possible to use HDCD & DTS decoder components with ALAC.
  • Changed MP3 tag reading behaviors when multiple tags are present.
    • ID3v2 content now takes priority over APE and then ID3v1.
  • Various time-consuming operations such as conversion or ReplayGain-scanning now prevent the computer from automatically going to sleep (opt-out).
  • Tuned ReplayGain scanner for fast multicore CPU / slow HDD scenarios.
  • Fixed Converter misbehavior on files with misplaced “cuesheet” tags.
  • Improved performance when playing MP3 files from internet HTTP sources.
  • Improved compatibility with Apple’s HFS driver.
  • ID3v2 handling improvements:
    • Fixed TXXX field name sometimes incorrectly written.
    • No longer possible to write multiple values ​​per ID3v2.3 frame in various scenarios.
    • COMM frames with a description now show as “COMMENT ”.
    • Certain broken APIC (cover art) frames are now visible.
  • APEv2 tag writing: relaxed track number/disc number field content restrictions.

New in beta 6:

  • Fixed Converter having trouble locating oggenc.exe

Version number 1.1.12 beta 6
Release status beta
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008
Website foobar2000
File size


License type Freeware
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