Download FileZilla Server 1.6.1

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Version 1.6.0 of the open source FTP server FileZilla Server has been released and, due to an error, 1.6.1 is also available for you. FileZilla Server is a small and powerful FTP server with support for FXP (sending files from one FTP server to another), secure connections (SSL and TLS), GSS authentication and Kerberos encryption. Previously the program was only available for Windows, but now also for Linux and macOS. Since version 1.5.1, the following changes and improvements have been made:

FileZilla Server 1.6.1

Bug fixes and minor changes:

  • MSW: Fixed an installation issue due to a service handle not being closed

FileZilla Server 1.6.0

New features:

  • UI: it is now possible to upload TLS certificates to the server directly from the UI, using a specific selector in the Security page of the protocols configuration.
  • UI: the maximum amount of characters in all text controls has been limited to a sensible number, so to avoid potential crashes or stalls in corner cases.

Bug fixes and minor changes:

  • Fixed potential issues with locking of mutexes in the administration protocol
  • MSW: the installer now works properly also if the uninstaller from a previous installation has been deleted.
  • Fixed an issue in the networking code when dealing with TLS close_notify alerts.

FileZilla Server 1.6.0-rc1

New features:

  • MSW: the installer now offers to keep the existing service configuration of a previously installed FileZilla Server whose release must be above or equal to 1.6.0.
  • UI: the main window position and size is now remembered across different runs.
  • UI: the server configuration can now be exported to a file and imported into another server. It is possible to select the specific parts of the configuration that are to be exported or imported.
  • UI: double-clicking on an item in the session list will pop up a dialog with security information about the session. The functionality can also be accessed via the context menu.
  • UI: file dialogs now remember the last used folder

Bug fixes and minor changes:

  • UI: users’ group names are now sorted, with the active ones up in the list
  • UI: Clearly show when a session transfer is stalled
  • UI: it is now possible to cut/copy/paste numbers in the specific controls.
  • UI: Fixed various incoherencies in the state of the interface
  • UI: it is no longer possible to have the administration listeners conflict with the file transfer protocols servers listeners. In case of pre-existing conflicts in the configuration file, the administration listeners take precedence, so that it is still possible to change the FileZilla Server’s configuration.
  • UI: in some corner cases concurrently opening dialogues could cause instabilities. These dialogues are now queued up and opened sequentially.
  • *nix: fixed dependencies in the Debian installer
  • *nix: fixed installation directory of the icons
  • Fixed a crash on network errors while renewing Let’s Encrypt certificates
  • MSW: Communication with the impersonator child process no longer stalls or fails under heavy load
  • User-specific impersonation is now working again

Version number 1.6.1
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, macOS, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, Windows 11
Website FileZilla
License type GPL
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