Download FileZilla 3.10.1 RC1

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The first release candidate of version 3.10.1 of the open source FTP client FileZilla has been released. FileZilla is small, simple and yet complete. The program is popular due to its low system resource load. However, a common complaint is that passwords are stored unencrypted on the computer. FileZilla is available for Windows, Linux, and OS X, and can be downloaded from this page be downloaded in different versions.

Be careful of other sources as there are modified versions floating around the internet that contain malware. Also be careful with the default ‘recommended’ download, as it comes with a SourceForge wrapper that also has junk in it. On the more download optionspage does contain clean installation files. The following changes and improvements have been made in this release:

New features:

  • Fixed becoming of some error messages when using FTP over TLS
  • Display subject alternative names in certificate verification dialog
  • If re-editing multiple files already being edited, add a checkbox to apply action to all selected file

Bug fixes and minor changes:

  • Editing the same local file multiple times no longer results in an error message
  • Display SHA-256 fingerprints in certificate verification dialog, no longer display MD5 fingerprints.
  • Disable insecure RC4 algorithm in FTP over TLS
  • *nix: Fix assertion when opening the file exists dialog on some multi-display systems
  • Deleting items in the Site Manager now correctly updates the right-hand side of the dialog
  • Dragging items in the Site Manager no longer makes the default port appear in the port input box
  • OS X: Multi-line text edit controls no longer act like rich-text edit controls and no longer perform quote substitution

Version number 3.10.1 RC1
Release status beta
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, Windows XP, macOS, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website FileZilla
File size


License type GPL
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