Download FileZilla 2.1.4

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FileZilla is an FTP client for Windows, and has been upgraded to version 2.1.4. The following changes have been made in this new version:

New features:

  • added “Connect and bypass proxy settings” item to quickconnect menu
  • added browse for folder button to local folder field in Sitemanager
  • Backspace can be used to go up one folder
  • added simplified chinese
  • directory listing parser now supports numerical listing and the format VShell server sends.

Fixes and improvements:

  • fixed crash and changed transfer logic for downloads
  • fixed upload summary
  • improved parsing of MS-DOS style directory listing
  • fixed problem with downloading file links and failed directory transfers
  • local file list control no longer loses focus if changing directory
  • fixed problem with GSS not working properly (Did happen if encrypted strings received from server were not null-terminated)

[break] FileZilla can also be installed via the ZIP fileor bake your own version using the source

Version number 2.1.4
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Website FileZilla
file size


License type GPL
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