Download FeedDemon 1.5 RC1a

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Bradbury Software is almost done with FeedDemon 1.5 and has just released its first release candidate and just after that came out with RC 1a. FeedDemon is a program for the Windows platform that makes it easy to read RSS and Atom feeds. The feeds can be linked to the so-called ‘Watch’ so that the program brings in the latest headlines every so often. Here’s a look at what’s changed since beta 4a:

FeedDemon 1.5 RC1a

  • Added: “Check for new version” hyperlink added to Options
  • Added: “Show news item descriptions” added to Appearance page in Options (this is still available from the toolbar above the news item list)
  • Added: Czech language file (thanks to Milan Kryl)
  • Added: Deutsch language file (thanks to Stefan Walter)
  • added; “View release notes” added to end of installer
  • Changed: The option to clear the auto-discovery list when browsing to a new URL has been changed to clear it when switching channels
  • Changed: The installer now renames the existing FDLANGs to avoid having older language files
  • Fixed: Duplicate “Mark as unread” items in news item menu
  • Fixed: “Expando” style opens expanded items in external browser
  • Fixed: Multiple copies of FeedStation launched when enclosures added to download queue in rapid succession

FeedDemon 1.5 RC1

  • Added: “Advanced” page on channel properties enables assigning per-channel newspaper style
  • Added: “New Group” button added to “Manage Channel Groups”
  • Added: ‘Properties’ added to FeedStation’s context menu when right-clicking a downloaded file
  • Added: ‘Delete news items’ added to Options > Confirmations (disabled by default)
  • Added: Animation during software activation
  • Added: FeedStation now warns when you double-click to open an “unsafe” file type (EXE, BAT, etc.)
  • Changed: When synching a successful download, FeedStation now only shows the progress dialog if it already has the focus
  • Changed: Auto-update is delayed when computer returns from standy mode to give time for internet connection to be re-enabled
  • Changed: “Show news item descriptions” is now turned off by default
  • Fixed: FeedStation truncates source name when creating folder for downloaded enclosure
  • Fixed: Ctrl+A (select all) followed by Ctrl+Q (mark as read) fails when group header is selected first
  • Fixed: Maximizing FeedDemon, resizing the browser, then restoring FeedDemon causes browser to be offset to the left
  • Fixed: News items overlap when viewing “Expando” style in a Mozilla-based browser
  • Fixed: Browser height not always retained when the browser is shown at the bottom
  • Fixed: Progress bar remains visible when switching feeds if browser is showing external page

Version number 1.5 RC1a
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Website Bradbury Software
file size


License type Shareware
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