Download ExifTool 10.84

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Phil Harvey has released version 10.84 of ExifTool. ExifTool is a free and cross-platform program that allows the metadata of a large number of files can be managed and edited. It works from the command line, but there are third-party solutions available that allow it to be used with a graphical user interface as well. Since version 10.80, the following changes and improvements have been made:

Changes in version 10.84

  • Decode GPS from MOV videos of more dashcam models with -ee option
  • Decode a new Sony tag (thanks Jos Roost)
  • Convert GPS speeds extracted from MOV videos with the -ee option to km/h
  • Avoid converting empty GPS coordinates to 0.000000
  • Fixed some bugs extracting Novatek GPS from MP4 videos

Changes in version 10.83

  • Added read support for Sketch design files
  • Added Light LRI files to the list of recognized file types
  • Added a new Canon LensType (thanks LibRaw)
  • Decode a couple of new Sony tags (thanks Jos Roost)
  • Extract JpgFromRaw image from CR3 files
  • Improved warning message when attempting to write a tag in a specific group that isn’t writable
  • Changed group name of JSON tags from “File” to “JSON”
  • Fixed some incorrect offsets in -v3 output for CR3 images

Changes in version 10.82

  • Added support for Canon’s new CR3 raw file format
  • Added a few new CanonModelID/SonyModelID values ​​(thanks LibRaw)
  • Added support for the Sony ILCE-7M3 (thanks Jos Roost)
  • Decode timed GPS information from Insta360 MP4 videos with the -ee option
  • Write XMP before that in MOV/MP4/CR3 files if possible
  • Fixed “‘x’ outside of string” runtime error when reading some Sony images
  • Fixed problem with some hex dumps going to the console when -v3 was combined with the -w option

Changes in version 10.81

  • Added new values ​​for a few Panasonic tags (thanks Bernd-Michael Kemper)
  • Added a new Canon, Olympus and Sony LensTypes (thanks LibRaw)
  • Added a new Panasonic Raw Compression type (thanks LibRaw)
  • Added definitions for a number of new MacOS tags
  • Decode CameraInfo for Canon 5DmkIII firmware 1.3.5
  • Removed INX from list of writable files (-listwf option output)
  • Fixed problem introduced in version 10.16 that could cause a “Can’t create” error when using the -o option to write certain types of files
  • Fixed problem introduced in version 10.34 resulting in a “Can’t delete all meta information” error when writing .PS files

Version number 10.84
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, BSD, macOS, Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website Phil Harvey
License type Freeware
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