Download eMule 0.20b

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^Mo^ alerted us to version 0.20b of eMule. This program uses eDonkey’s network to share files. Below are the release notes:

  • Ornis: fixed a crashbug at shutdown with selected searchresults
  • Ornis: Added multiselection to searchresults and serverlist (multi-server-removal & try connecting to selected servers)
  • Ornis: Added stop-connecting-function to the connectbutton
  • Ornis: Shared-files-list made sortable
  • tecxx: added a tooltip control to the download & upload windows currently displaying the filename of the client you are loading from
  • Merkur: Adjusted the anti-aggressive clientsystem to be less aggressive. Also banned clients are unbanned after 5 hours
  • Merkur: fixed several (crash)bugs and memleaks
  • pach2: fixed the ed2k link creation(added missing / at the end of links)
  • Ornis: Added Transferdialog-Splitbar to resize Download/Uploadwindow
  • Ornis: Fixed GDI Memleak
  • Ornis: several new statistical values
  • Ornis: Added: File-Detaildialog for downloads
  • Merkur: fixed a UDP bug which caused that some incoming packets were ignored
  • Merkur: adjusted the credit system formula. This will reduce the overall effect of the credit system a little bit. However 0.21 will have a new feature(verified upload) which compensates this.
  • tecxx: hopefully solved the issues with the shared files selector on w9x. thanks LOVELACE from the board!
  • tecxx: emule now responds to “view shared files” command in edonkey friendslists, it shows only files based on permission settings
  • Unk: Outgoing udp packets was sometimes sent to the wrong port.
  • Unk: Detecting dead servers was buggy. [break] There is a topic about eMule on the forum.
  • Version number 0.20b
    Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
    Website eMule
    file size


    License type GPL
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