Download EditPad Pro 7.0.5

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JGsoft has not only updated its free text editor EditPad Lite, a new version of its big brother EditPad Pro has also been released. While EditPad Lite is intended as a replacement for Notepad, EditPad Pro is more intended for programmers. For example, there is a spell checker that takes syntax coloring into account and a hex editor, file-compare option, bookmark option and a built-in ftp client are available. A complete overview of the extra options compared to the Lite version can be found on this page are being found. Since version 7.0.2, the following changes and improvements have been made.

EditPad Pro 7.0.5

New features:

  • Editor: Ctrl+Left Shift and Ctrl+Right Shift toggle the direction of the text to left-to-right or right-to-left when a keyboard for a right-to-left language is installed (though not necessarily active).
  • Preferences|Open Files: Option for the save project dialog to default to the folder containing the active file. The folder containing the active project takes precedence if that option is enabled too.


  • File|Favorites: Show full file path in the status bar hint.
  • File|Mail: When trying to send mail without first configuring a mail server, the preferences screen is now shown with the Email tab active rather than the last used tab or the first tab.
  • Keyboard: Respond to the Mail button on multimedia keyboards only when the option to use EditPad’s built-in email is selected in Options|Preferences|Email.
  • Search: Auto-completion of the Search drop-down list on the search toolbar (when using it without the full search panel) is now case sensitive when the Case Sensitive search option is turned on; the Replace drop-down list is now always case sensitive.
  • Search: Pressing Esc while the search or replace drop-down list has keyboard focus (while using the search toolbar without the full search panel) moves keyboard focus back to the main editor.
  • Syntax coloring now also works in hexadecimal mode.
  • Text Layout|Cursors: Cursor shape now has two flag options. One makes the flag indicate the direction of the input language (as in Notepad), the other the direction of the text the cursor is at (as EditPad 7 did previously).

Bug fixes:

  • Block|Duplicate Selection failed in hexadecimal mode if the cursor was beyond the first 2 billion bytes in the file.
  • Block|Toggle Comment did not use the syntax coloring scheme’s default comment characters as it should when the cursor was inside text that was colored by a subscheme that did not define its own comment characters.
  • Convert: Convert menu commands inserted an extraneous space when converting a rectangular selection that spans only a single line.
  • Editor: Characters were squished together when using a bold proportionally spaced font and the first file you opened with that font had word wrapping set to a specific line length.
  • Editor: Pasting while a rectangular block is selected does not correctly replace the selection unless the cursor is in the upper left corner.
  • Editor: When line numbers are being shown and word wrap is off, the left hand gutter does not expand to accommodate line numbers beyond 9,999 when adding lines to the file if it previously had fewer than 10,000 lines.
  • Extra|Compare Files: When comparing files that use different encodings, the merged file now uses Unicode so that all characters can be represented.
  • File Navigator: Moving keyboard focus to the file navigator or expanding or collapsing nodes should not move the cursor in the editor.
  • Files Panel was blank if EditPad Pro was started along with your computer and the option to show EditPad’s icon next to the system clock was active and the Files Panel was open last time you shut down EditPad Pro.
  • Forum: Editing a message and then deleting the edits instead of sending them incorrectly decremented the message count for the conversation.
  • Go|Go to Offset did not accept offsets beyond 2 GB.
  • Help|Create Portable Installation did not copy over the layouts of the toolbars and side panels.
  • Keyboard: Pressing F10 activated the main menu instead of invoking the command it was assigned to (View|Files Panel by default).
  • Options|Text Layout: Pressing F1 or clicking the Help button on the text layout configuration window did nothing.
  • Paths with double backslashes were handled inconsistently when highlighted as links in syntax coloring schemes.
  • Preferences|Save Files: Saving backups in a specific folder should be disabled when the “hidden history folder” option is selected.
  • Preferences|Tabs: Choosing to never display project tabs causes an access violation error that prevents EditPad Pro from using your changed preferences.
  • Project|Import File Listings: The option to interpret paths relative to a folder did not work for paths that didn’t begin with .. or \ to indicate a parent folder or the root folder.
  • Search: Alt+Letter keyboard shortcuts that aren’t used on the search toolbar but are used by main menu items don’t work when the search or replace drop-down list has keyboard focus.
  • Search: Replace All using a regular expression across all files failed to make replacements in files being edited in text mode when the next file (tab order) was in hexadecimal mode, or vice versa.
  • Search: Replacing with the %MATCH% placeholder triggered an access violation when a regular expression found a zero-length match.
  • Search|Find on Disk: Help button showed the help topic for Project|Open Folder instead of the one for Search|Find on Disk.
  • Spell check: Double-clicking a misspelled word when live spelling is on did not always open the spell checker when search matches were highlighted.
  • Tabs: Right-clicking on the X when close buttons are shown directly on tabs caused a “list index out of bounds” error.
  • Text Layout: The strictly monospaced left-to-right layout now correctly spaces the full-width variants of ASCII characters as ideographs even when the option to space all ASCII characters as ideographs is off.
  • Toolbars: The Large Icons item in the right-click menu for toolbars did not change its checked state when changing the same option via the Customize item in the right-click menu.
  • Undo and redo should not work on files that have been marked as read-only after saving the changes.
  • Undo: Commands that made a lot of changes like a search and replace failed with an access violation if the all the changes didn’t fit into the undo history.
  • View: Switching between custom layouts or restoring the default layout sometimes failed with a “cannot focus disabled or invisible window” error, causing further errors when trying to interact with the toolbars and/or side panels.
  • View|Hexadecimal: Toggling to hexadecimal mode and back to text mode caused the editor to always insert tabs when tab was pressed, even when the file type was configured to insert spaces when tab is pressed.
  • View|Split Editor: Splitting the editor and then switching to a previously opened file (that was opened while the editor was not split) sometimes caused the second half of the view to be blank.
  • Windows 7: Maximizing EditPad, then minimizing it, and then double-clicking a file in Windows Explorer brought up EditPad’s window in its restored size (not maximized).

EditPad Pro 7.0.4

Bug fixes:

  • File picker shown by Extra|Compare Files and certain tool placeholders was broken in version 7.0.3.
  • View|Split Editor occasionally caused an incorrect display or errors when highlighting of matching brackets was enabled.

EditPad Pro 7.0.3


  • Editor: Full double-buffering of all edit controls to eliminate flicker.
  • Edit|Insert Matching Bracket: Handle nested brackets more intelligently by assuming that an incorrectly nested bracket to the left of the cursor is actually a bracket that is missing its closing bracket.

Bug fixes:

  • Block|Rectangular Selections changed the text layout to monospaced left-to-right when the file was already using a monospaced font but word wrap was on, instead of turning off word wrap without changing the text layout.
  • Editor: Changing the font size with Ctrl+wheel, switching to another file, and then switching back displayed the file with the original font but spaced as if it was still using the changed font size.
  • Editor: Lines containing tabs were not displayed correctly when using a right-to-left text layout.
  • Editor: The text cursor was positioned incorrectly on lines containing both tabs and ideographs when using the “monospaced left-to-right” text layout.
  • Editor: Typing or pasting into an empty file and then Shift+Clicking somewhere selected the text from the start of the file until the click instead of from the end of the file (where the text cursor is) until the click.
  • File|Rename/Move: Project tab color is not updated if the renamed file was the only one in the project with unsaved changes.
  • FTP: Disconnect, Download, and Delete commands all used D as the accelerator key.
  • FTP: Reconnecting to a previously remembered SFTP server using keyboard-interactive authentication failed with a “cannot focus disabled or invisible window” error.
  • FTP: Symbolic links to folders on some FTP servers appear as files instead of folders.
  • Macros: Importing preferences failed if the .ini file contained macros and the full search panel had not yet been used in the current EditPad session.
  • Minimizing EditPad Pro while the Clip Collection panel was open and AceText was running and EditPad’s icon next to the system clock was enabled sometimes triggered an error message.
  • Options|Stay On Top causes EditPad to stay on top of some of its own dialog boxes.
  • Project|Open Folder: Dragging and dropping a folder onto EditPad Pro correctly opens the Project|Open Folder dialog for that folder. Dragging and dropping a second folder incorrectly opens Project|Open Folder for the first folder instead of the second folder.
  • Project|Reload Files from Disk: Reloading all files from disk did not always update the project’s tab to indicate that the files in the project no longer have any unsaved changes.
  • Search: Replacing through all files or all projects did not always update the project’s tab to indicate that some of its files now have unsaved changes.
  • SFTP: Connecting to some SSH servers failed with an error saying “BigInteger overflow”.
  • Status bar: Indicator for the number of search matches was always blank.
  • Syntax coloring schemes that define actions that execute a command with parameters beginning with a forward slash are now handled correctly.
  • Tabs: Right-clicking on the tabs now shows the context menu when the mouse button is released rather than when it is pressed.
  • View|Split Editor: Switching between files sometimes fails when the view is split.
  • Windows 7: If the icon next to the system clock was enabled, maximizing EditPad, minimizing or closing it, and clicking on the icon next to the system clock restored EditPad but did not maximize it.
  • Windows 7: If the icon next to the system clock was enabled, restoring EditPad (so it’s not maximized), closing EditPad with the X button, then right-clicking the icon next to the clock and selecting Exit caused EditPad to pop up briefly before closing, instead of closing without showing itself.

Version number 7.0.5
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008
Website JGsoft
File size


License type Shareware
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