Download EditPad Lite 8.2.0

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JGsoft has released version 8.2 of its free text editor EditPad Lite. This program is not intended for programmers, who should use EditPad Pro, RJ TextEd or Notepad++. This is more of a replacement for the Notepad that comes with Windows. Unlike Notepad, EditPad Lite can open an unlimited number of files in the same screen, has no limit on the size of files to open, and the number of undos and redos is unlimited. EditPad Lite is free for private use, but businesses can purchase a license if there is no need for all extras that the Pro version offers. The following changes and improvements have been made in this release:

New features:

  • Clip Collection: Edit Clip dialog (which EditPad uses when you don’t have AceText) now lets you select a syntax coloring scheme and add an URL to the clip.
  • Clip Collection: Portable installations of EditPad can now integrate with portable installations of AceText; requires AceText 4.0.0 or later.
  • Preferences|Cursors: Additional options for the Home and End key to move the cursor to the start/end of the physical line and whether going to the first/last non-whitespace character should be done on the first or second press.
  • Preferences|Editor: Keep the same line active when selecting an entire line (place cursor at the start of the line).
  • Rectangular selections can now be copied and pasted between EditPad and RAD Studio and Visual Studio and other editors that support the clipboard formats used by RAD Studio or Visual Studio.


  • Clip Collection: Automatically refresh the active collection in AceText if it changes while EditPad has keyboard focus; this is particularly useful when the ClipHistory is the active collection.
  • Clip Collection: Collections saved by AceText 4.0.0 or later can now be loaded when using EditPad without AceText; older versions of EditPad and AceText will not be able to open collections saved by EditPad 8.2.0 and later.
  • Copy text as an AceText clip so that AceText 4.0.0 and later can capture the syntax coloring scheme and the URL (file link).
  • File Types: Batch file syntax coloring now highlights GOTO and CALL labels, PROMPT and TITLE strings, SET values, and more names of internal and external commands.
  • File Types: C# syntax coloring now supports digit separators and binary numbers; all contextual keywords are now highlighted as keywords.
  • File Types: JavaScript syntax coloring now highlights all keywords that are reserved words in some versions of JavaScript.
  • File Types: Python syntax coloring now supports digit separators and octal and binary numbers.
  • Help|Create Portable Installation now has the option to copy over syntax coloring schemes in EditPad Lite too.
  • Options|Text Layout: Actual font sizes of text layouts with fallback fonts are now much closer to font sizes of text layouts without fallback fonts; you may need to reduce the font sizes of text layouts with fallback fonts that you configured for or that were pre-configured by older versions of EditPad.
  • Search|Cut Matches: Status bar message now indicates matches were cut rather than replaced.
  • Search|Search Options|Line by Line: Status bar message now indicates matching lines rather than matches were replaced.
  • Tab-delimited values: Comment character that, if placed at the start of the line, disables interpreting separator characters on that line.
  • Tab-delimited values: Take the width of the last column into account if a line has fewer tabs than other lines.
  • Tab-delimited values: Use the column widths to set the range of the horizontal scroll bar.
  • Tools: The syntax coloring schemes for tool errors included with EditPad are now “fast” syntax coloring schemes.
  • Windows 7 and later: EditPad now maintains the list of recent files shown by the right-click menu of EditPad’s taskbar button by itself to make it show recently closed files like the File|Open submenu does; this only works for files for which EditPad is the default application.
  • Windows 7 and later: The right-click menu of EditPad’s taskbar button now shows files that you have open in EditPad and that you recently switched to as tasks.
  • Zero-width space is now consistently treated as a non-spacing character that is zero pixels and zero columns wide.

Bug fixes:

  • Automatic reload: Choosing to close the file when prompted whether you want to reload it fails if the file that is activated next also triggers a prompt to reload.
  • Block|Write to File and Block|Append to File now correctly write rectangular selections.
  • Clip Collection: Inserting an empty clip triggered an access violation error instead of doing nothing.
  • Command Line: File names beginning with “notepad” were ignored (8.1.2 only).
  • Elastic tab stops did not work when entering or pasting text into a new tab with elastic tab stops already enabled when the file was still blank.
  • Elastic tab stops stopped functioning correctly for files that were made completely blank until those files were reloaded or elastic tab stops were turned off and turned on again for the file.
  • Elastic tab stops: Selecting text from the top half of a large file until the very end of the file and replacing that by typing or pasting failed with an access violation.
  • Favorites: Organize Favorites dialog now allows top-level folders to be collapsed.
  • File Types: PowerShell syntax coloring scheme now highlights Foreach-Object as a cmdlet instead of as the “foreach” keyword.
  • File Types|Encoding: Non-Unicode encoding could not be selected correctly.
  • Print: Showing the print preview could fail if the state of the “print line numbers” checkbox remembered from a previous printout was different of the state of the Options|Line Numbers menu item for the active file.
  • Search: Path placeholders in the replacement string used the path to the first file in which a replacement was made instead of the path to the file that the replacement is made in when doing a Replace All across all open files.
  • Search: Single-line search and replace boxes now scale better on high DPI systems to avoid cutting off the tails of the letters.
  • Search|Highlight All: Regular expressions using \G were not highlighted correctly because \G was allowed to match at places where it shouldn’t.
  • Search|Highlight All: Regular expressions using \K could be highlighted incorrectly while editing a line.
  • Tabs: The file tab of a file saved in a folder that no longer exists could not be moved to another location in EditPad via drag and drop.
  • Word wrap now leaves a cursor’s width at the end of each line so that placing the cursor at the end of a line of the maximum length allowed by wrapping does not horizontally scroll the editor by the width of the cursor.

Version number 8.2.0
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website JGsoft
File size


License type Freeware/Paid
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