Download EditBone 12.0.1

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Version 12.0.1 of EditBone has been released. EditBone is an open source and lightweight text editor with extensive features, which is of particular interest to software developers. For example, there are syntax highlighting for more than fifty scripting and programming languages, macros and vertical selection blocks. Furthermore, the program can compare files. In version 10, the program has been given a new look, there are separate downloads for 32bit and 64bit environments and SynEdit has been replaced by a self-developed component that offers better possibilities for the future. The program is under active development and a new version with minor improvements is released every few days. The changelog for the past few versions looks like this:

Changes in version 12.0.1

  • Fixed title popups
  • Fixed special characters
  • Updated AlphaSkins controls v11.11

Changes in version 12.0.0

  • Refactored TBCEditor control painting for better Unicode and non-fixed font support
  • Added smooth horizontal scrolling
  • Added -appinipath application parameter
  • Fixed minimap double buffering
  • Fixed Object Pascal highlighter
  • Fixed check for updates
  • Fixed skin selection to exclude commercial skins
  • Enabled High-DPI – application is now DPI aware
  • Updated third-party controls and components

Changes in version 11.2.2

  • Fixed about dialog language
  • fixed language editor
  • Fixed options setting
  • Fixed find in files ini saving into unicode ini file (EditBoneUni.ini)
  • fixed language files

Changes in version 11.2.1

  • fixed language editor
  • Fixed find in files
  • Fixed split
  • Fixed color options
  • Updated Windows 10 skin

EditBone 10.0, click on the image for a larger version.

Version number 12.0.1
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website bone code
File size


License type GPL
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