Download DVD Profiler 3.6.0 Beta Build 1315

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The last version of DVD Profiler dates back to December 2008. Invelos Software seems to have picked up the thread again, a new development version was released a few weeks ago. DVD Profiler is a DVD cataloging program that differs from similar programs in that it does not use online movie databases such as Imdb, but a database maintained by the users of this program themselves. The unregistered version has only a few limitations, until more than fifty titles are added to the database. After that, however, the functionality becomes a bit pinched off. The changelog for this release shows quite a few changes:

Changes in this release:

  • Custom collection category contents may optionally be included in the Owned collection
  • Selective startup is now initiated when the program was unable to start successfully last run
  • Added option to the custom collection categories to make collection numbers globally unique or unique within collection type
  • Added Average User Review as a sortable column in the collection list
  • Added working indication when loading a collection list remotely
  • Collection tab hint no longer shown when hovering over collection list
  • Bug report interface changed, enabled optional screenshot inclusion
  • NTSC/PAL setting now copies via Copy/Paste, if Video Formats is checked
  • Added PCM 7.1 as an audio option
  • DDPlus, DD TrueHD, DTS+HD (both), missing 5.1 (matrixed 6.1) and dolby surround
  • PCM missing 5.1 (matrixed 6.1), 6.1 discrete, 7.1
  • MPEG-2 is mislabeled as MP2
  • Can now add tracks with a codec but no channel information
  • Corrected formatting or audio track list view
  • Database repair utility no longer removes collection numbers from custom collection types
  • Buttons for bold and itallic now functional in the overview editor
  • Fixed: Deleting the currency entry in Personalize results in error
  • Corrected Reassign Collection Numbers performance issue
  • Corrected: For films rated Category IIB the rating runs over the “Runtime” label when an actor’s credit list is brought up.
  • Credit info window now shows custom collection types
  • DVD->Edit->Personal, the review scale is now correct
  • Database errors now result in a helpful message rather than an error submission window
  • Fixed: XML Export: Channels not listed for audio tracks
  • Fixed: XML Export: Format is output incorrectly
  • XML Export: All boolean values ​​are now lower-case
  • Prompt to refresh no longer shown on remote databases
  • Entering mobile registration no longer prompts to synch on remote databases
  • “R” for role no longer shown in the expanded lists for crew in crew info window
  • Current collection queried and shown in the Open Database dialog for remote databases
  • Fixed: Blank white image shown for crew when none exists (initially)
  • “Small” collection category icons setting now remembered
  • Photo indicators right-click setting for crew/cast now function normally
  • New features added to checkbox display
  • Fixed: DVD Profiler Movile in Exclude popup
  • Corrected box set children sorting issue
  • Switching collection type via command file command “CollectionType” now functions for custom collection types.
  • The DVD->Move To command is now recursive, and will move all box set children, grandchildren, etc
  • Fixed: New episode dividers show under ‘Direction’ and are not movable
  • Reversed behavior of Shift-Click Replace button in cast/crew edit
  • Corrected issue displaying multiple crew headshots
  • Exclusions and Count As set during Add DVD now saved correctly
  • Fixed: Counts cleared when editing custom collection types
  • Fixed: If Owned column is hidden, program still starts w/owned
  • When translation changed, collection tabs no longer reset
  • Fixed: Changing CountAs from the edit window doesn’t save when that is the only personal change
  • Fixed: Changing CountAs from the edit window doesn’t update the tab’s count
  • Debuglog.txt file now included when error report is sent
  • Improved look/functionality of error reporting interface
  • Corrected issue with Clear All Filters button not requerying
  • Fixed: If we don’t enter production year it appears 0 instead of empty
  • Fixed: Can’t use return key to add line into notes field
  • Up/down arrows in credit info windows now function correctly
  • Fixed: When you move something from owned collection to custom collection, “Purchase Date” changes to a date when the move was done.
  • Fixed: On the cast/crew popups, the ‘credited-as’ data is no longer displayed.
  • Fixed: When viewing your collection over a shared database, the remote system doesn’t display the last watched
  • Fixed: Remote listing doesn’t display disc location, country, or locality in collection list
  • Fixed: Setting WatchedBy not initiating a client update
  • Fixed: Average review not shown for remote databases
  • Fixed: Collection->Flagged->Move to custom category assigns incorrect collection numbers
  • Fixed: Remote display doesn’t show the “Image not available” graphic when none available
  • Fixed: Remote DBs: Filtering by tags does not work
  • Fixed: Items from wish list showing in owned on remote databases
  • Fixed: Right-click menu for avg review collection column not checked as appropriate
  • Fixed: Odd behavior of box sets that are child profiles of another set when moved to a custom collection type
  • Items added to wish list now default to Count As 1
  • Corrected issue with gradients in reports going outside their bounds
  • Added report elements for external reviews (average user, RottenTomatoes, Metacritic)
  • Fixed: Collection sorting issues on remote databases
  • Media banner for front, back, per profile: On, Off, Auto
  • Added: Remote review setting via main interface
  • Added: Remote tag setting
  • Added: Remote loaning, returning, changing due date
  • Added: Remote DVD->Move to
  • Added: Remote DVD->Personalize
  • Fixed: Restoring a 3.5 db into 3.6 does not show cast/crew image comparison
  • Fixed: Reports: Audio format conditions: the condition to ANY DTS or ANY Dolby Digital it doesn’t matter which track index I selected it will not save the value
  • Changed error trapping for ‘cannot create’ type exceptions to show a helpful message rather than allow error reporting
  • When user unchecks ‘none’ in collection number section of personalize, now picks next availble number
  • Welcome Page menu option now disabled for remote databases

Plugin Changes

  • Added Get/SetCountAs
  • Added Get/SetMediaCompany
  • Added Get/SetRating(RatingSystem, RatingAge, RatingVariant)
  • Added Get/SetRatingDescription
  • GetDescriptionByConstant needs utility for Country of Origin / Localities
  • Event TagsChanged now fires correctly
  • DVDRefreshed event now fires whenever a downloaded profile is saved

DVD Profiler screenshot, click on the image for a larger version.

Version number 3.6.0 beta build 1315
Release status beta
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista
Website Invelos
File size


License type Shareware
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