Download Drupal 8.2.0

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Version 8.2.0 of Drupal has been released. Drupal is a PHP-written, user-friendly and powerful content management platform, with which, for example, websites can be created. New in version 8.2 is, among other things, that blocks for text or media can be placed on pages without having to go to another administration page first. Furthermore, support for time periods has been added, where previously only a specific time could be used. The most important improvements made in version 8.2.0 are listed below for you.

Easier to place and configure blocks on pages

The new experimental Place Block module allows placing blocks on any page without having to navigate to the backend administration form. After selecting the region for placement, block configuration can be adjusted in a modal dialog allowing full control of all the details.

There is also a much easier way to modify block configuration, with the experimental Settings Tray module. Editing a block opens a tray in a sidebar with the block’s title and other settings. For the site name block, for example, you can edit the site name directly in the sidebar. For menu blocks, you can adjust the menu there.

Content moderation now included

Drupal has always supported both published and unpublished content, but more granular workflow support was not available in Drupal core. The new experimental Content Moderation module, based on the contributed Workbench Moderation project, allows defining content workflow states such as Draft, Archived, and Published, as well as which roles have the ability to move content between states.

Support for date ranges

The Datetime module included with core only supports storing single points in time. The experimental Datetime Range module provides a new field type that also allows end dates. This is important for helping contributed modules like the calendar module to work with Drupal 8 core.

Site building, content authoring, and administrative improvements

Drupal 8.2.0 also improves stable functionality for administration, site building, and authoring. Drupal now enables revisions by default for new content types, to provide better accountability, to create a “safety net” for recovering from unintended changes, and to integrate with future workflow features. Content editors will enjoy a more seamless experience, as CKEditor’s built-in dialogs are now styled to match Drupal-native dialogs, and creating any entity will always display a message linking to the new entity.

Other incremental enhancements include:

  • The user interface text has been improved on numerous administrative pages.
  • The redirection of site-wide contact forms is now configurable.
  • The comment view mode can now be selected in the display formatter form.
  • Relative URLs are converted to absolute ones in generated RSS feeds (ensuring that images and links work wherever the feeds are used).
  • Administrators can now elect to remove a module’s content entities in order to uninstall the module.
  • The internal page cache has been improved for 404 responses.

Platform features for web services

The Drupal 8.2 release continues to expand Drupal’s support for web services that benefit decoupled sites and applications, with bug fixes, simplified configuration, improved responses, and new features. It is now possible to read (GET) configuration entities like vocabularies and content types as REST resources, resolving a significant limitation for REST functionality in 8.1.x and earlier. Login, logout, and user registration are also now possible with REST. The authentication mechanism used by a REST Export Views Display is now configurable, and a cors.config service parameter was added for enabling and configuring cross-origin resource sharing (CORS). REST resource configuration is now also significantly simpler.

Developer API improvements

Minor releases like Drupal 8.2.0 include backwards-compatible API additions for developers as well as new features. Read the 8.2.0 release notes for more details on the improvements for developers in this release.

Version number 8.2.0
Release status Final
Operating systems script language
Website Drupal
file size


License type GPL
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