Download djDecks 0.65

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Playing a DJ is fun to do, but less fun to pay. Good equipment can easily cost hundreds of euros and then you’re also stuck with vinyl records of half a kilometer in diameter or – if you’ve really dug deep into your pocket – maybe even CDs. That should be better thought the makers of djDecks, a program with which anyone with a PC can turn themselves into a DJ. The software can handle MP3, OGG Vorbis, WMA and standard Wave files, so finding suitable music is no problem at all.

Yesterday version 0.65 of djDecks was released, which brought with it a nice list of improvements, such as a fix for the problems the program had with using skins. The website provides us with the following changelog:

  • Changed: Default skin is now the new ‘chiron’ skin
  • Fixed: Effects were not working for deck 2 when using an external mixer
  • Fixed: Various small bugs with the new skin system
  • Fixed: Pentium 4 users might have had audio dropouts in ASIO mode due to denormals (more info)
  • Fixed: CPU Usage is lower
  • Improved: Loops have a different color on the waveform display
  • Improved: Cue points are now stored in the ID3 tag
  • Improved: When setting a loop while the deck is paused, the start of the loop is set instead of the end-point
  • Improved: Loop is turned off when loading a new track
  • Improved: Loops work backwards as well
  • Improved: Loops and Echo does not cause clicking anymore
  • Improved: Final Scratch and MsPinky support (more stable pitch, better synchronization)
  • Added: MsPinky vinyl support
  • Added: MIDI controller support
  • Added: AutoGain feature based on the ReplayGain algorithm (ASIO only)
  • Updated: Documentation
  • Updated: FMod sound engine to v3.73

Version number 0.65
Website djDecks
License type Shareware
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