Download Digsby Beta Build 33

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The Dotsyntax company is developing Digsby, a multifunctional communication program. This program allows chatting via the networks of AIM, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, Google Talk, Jabber and Facebook Chat. In addition, it can also monitor email from Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo Mail, AOL/AIM Mail and regular imap and pop3 accounts. Finally, it can also see if anything has happened on the pages on the social networking sites of Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and Linkedin. Digsby is currently still in beta and a new test version was released last Tuesday with build number 33. The test version has only been released for Windows for the time being; the developers are working on a Mac and Linux build. An extensive changelog is here Here are the main changes in this release:

Notable changes include:

  • There are numerous performance optimizations throughout the program, lowering CPU usage and improving responsiveness. We will continue to focus on this over the next few weeks
  • Fixed three crash causing bugs thanks to the new crash reporter. Keep the crash reports coming so we can fix any that remain
  • Possible fix for 2 bugs that caused the CPU to spin to 100% and stay there
  • Attempted to fix a bug that caused some Hotmail to fail at login. We can’t reproduce this with any of our test accounts so please let us know if it didn’t work
  • Fixed a bug that caused Digsby to get stuck at “Checking for Updates…” if your proxy returned bad data instead of a file manifest
  • Fixed a bug that caused some incoming IM’s to not show for Yahoo accounts

[break]The following downloads are available:
Digsby beta build 33 for Windows
Digsby beta build 33 for Linux
Digsby beta build 33 for Mac OS X[break]

Version number beta build 33
Release status beta
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista
Website Dot syntax
File size


License type Freeware
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