Download dav1d 0.3.1

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Dav1d is an open source av1 decoder developed by the communities of VideoLAN, VLC and FFmpeg. The av1 format was created by the Alliance for Open Media, which includes Amazon, Cisco, Google, Intel, Microsoft, Mozilla and Netflix as members. The reference implementation from AOMedia was quite large because it contained a lot of research code. Dav1d is intended to be the most efficient decoder that can do its job on most platforms. The developers have released version 0.3.1 with the following changes:

dav1d 0.3.1 ‘Sailfish’, the fast and small AV1 decoder

This is a small bugfix release fixing a decoding issue on SSSE3 CPU, when frame-threading is activated.

It also reduces the binary size and gives more optimizations for SSSE3 and ARM CPUs.

Version number 0.3.1
Release status Final
Website dav1d
License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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