Download CrossOver 23.6.0

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Wine is an open source implementation of the Windows API. This makes it possible to run DOS and Windows programs on Linux and macOS, among others. A commercial version of Wine is also available with support, called CrossOver. CodeWeavers releases CrossOver for Linux, macOS and ChromeOS and says it also contributes a lot to the development of Wine yourself. Version 23.6.0 of CrossOver has been released and includes support for Counter-Strike 2 and Warframe.


  • Support for Counter-Strike 2 and Warframe.
  • Printing now works on macOS Sonoma.

Bug fixes for all platforms:

  • Quicken no longer crashes after the latest update.

Version number 23.6.0
Release status Final
Operating systems Linux, macOS
Website CodeWeavers
License type Paid
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